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对待文章之用心,要么像修剪花草或摆弄盆栽,要么像精雕细琢或。Approach it like topiary. Or bonsai gardening.

在英国的园林修剪图案之旅。A pictorial tour of topiary in English gardens.

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浪漫鲜花柱见证我们的婚盟约誓。The beautiful topiary trees are witnesses of our marriage.

植园守卫不会说话,但在移动的时候会发出沙沙的响声。Topiary guardians do not speak, but do rustle slightly as they move.

一旦该园艺被完整处理过,便可以开始活化仪式。Once the topiary is properly treated, the animating ritual can commence.

植园守卫会遵循其制造者的命令,只要他位于其身边90英尺。A topiary guardian follows the orders of its creator if he is within 90 feet.

型篱式枯山水是日本园林中以植物为主景的枯山水形式。The topiary style Karesansui regards plants as the main view in Japanese garden.

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植园守卫能感应到地面的颤动,这使它们成为了完美的岗哨。Topiary guardians sense vibrations through the ground, making them excellent sentries.

植物雕塑呈现出花园的形状,同时各种草类为花园带来些许动感。The topiary plants reflect the shape of this garden and the grasses offer it some movement.

现在Fryar欢迎各地的参观者前来他的花园,并对植物雕塑这一主题开展着全国性的演讲活动。Today Fryar welcomes visitors to his whimsical garden, and he now lectures nationwide on topiary.

创造一个植园守卫首先需要一丛修剪完美的熊、狮子、或三角龙造型的园艺灌木。Creating a topiary guardian begins with acquiring a perfectly sculpted topiary of a boar, lion, or triceratops.

当植园守卫侦查到入侵者时,它会完美地静止着不动直到对方进入30或40英尺周围。When a topiary guardian spots an intruder, it stays perfectly still until the intruder comes within 30 or 40 feet.

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植园守卫的体型和其所塑型的生物相同,因此狮子植园守卫会拥有狮子的体型。A topiary guardian is the same size as the creature it imitates, so a lion topiary guardian would have a lion's dimensions.

智利绿色雕塑网站已精美的雕塑和灌木,甚至我的5米可口可乐北极熊,公园阿劳科商场,圣地亚哥。Chilean topiary website that has beautifully sculpted shrubs and even my 5 metre Coca Cola Polar Bears, Parque Arauco Mall, Santiago.

二楼是一个避难所以上,提供一个和平的内部庭院周围是作为一个当代的绿色雕塑园的设计安排治疗室。The second floor is more of a sanctuary, offering treatment rooms arranged around a peaceful internal courtyard that is designed as a contemporary topiary garden.

为了奥运会,北京大力美化城市,制造了许多华丽的花园,街道设施,花坛,动用了上百万的鲜花和植物。In beautifying the city for the Olympics, Beijing has created dazzling topiary gardens, and street displays, called parterres, using millions of flowers and plants.

尽管他给自己建造了一座奢华的欢乐宫,一个动物园,露天市场和一座精美的园林,在生前最后些年里,杰克逊还是把自己削成了一个更加迷茫和孤独的人物。Despite having built himself an extravagant fun palace, with its own zoo, fairground and elaborate topiary , Mr Jackson cut an increasingly lost and lonely figure in his later years.