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不要浪费光阴。Don't dally your time away.

这可能渗入我每天的歌里。May filter in my dally songs.

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金钱美女玩不得。Dally not with money or women.

好让你欺骗和玩弄?To let you deceive and dally with?

别磨磨蹭蹭了,要不然我们就来不及了。Don't dally about or we'll be late.

你不应该浪费时间。You should not dally away your time.

“别磨磨蹭蹭的,快往拿短剑。”看管人说。"Don't dally , go get it, " said the custodian.

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千万别和你不想娶的女子调情。Never dally with a girl whom you don't intend to marry.

如果你玩弄法律,那么法律对你也会做同样的事情。If you dally with law , law will do the same thing to you.

约翰尼是每个人的宠物,但和戴利不能打他。Johnny is everybody's pet, though, and Dally can't hit him.

你吃饭别再磨蹭啦,我们不想误火车。Don't dally over your meal, we don't want to miss our train.

他到处玩弄感情,从没对哪个女孩子认真过。He dally sensation everywhere and has never been serious to one girl.

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“许多人以为他们会在对冲基金挣更多的钱,”Dally说。"Many thought they could make more money in hedge funds," Dally said.

吃饭不要磨蹭,我们可不想耽误看演出。Don't dally over your meal, we don't want to be late for the preformance.

大多数学生都是懒惰和无知的家伙。Most of the students are content to dally with the figures called Idleness and Ignorance.

我需要高质量的流量到我的博客。达利超过1000游客需要谁访问我的博客。没有软件。I need quality traffic to my blog. Dally more then 1000 visitor need who visit my blog. No software.

戴利与焦回来,但是当他试图把他的手臂在樱桃,她全她在他的脸上。Dally comes back with Cokes , but when he tries to put his arm around Cherry, she throws hers in his face.

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他干瘦的下颚绷得紧紧的。“这里有很多和你年龄相仿的男孩,”他生气说。“为什么不找他们?”His lean jaw tautened. "There are boys your own age here, " he said angrily. "Why not dally with them instead?"

在此之后,四人组显然盯上了小钝,对其展开无休无止的戏耍与欺负。After this, 4 people group is stared at apparently went up small blunt, spread out to its incessant dally and bully.

他已经完成了牧师的职责,作为一名狂热的追逐政治的诗人,现在他已经得到了游荡在虚伪臆想之中的能力。He's accomplished his ministerial duty as a zealous and a politically oriented poet, and now he's earned the right to dally with false surmise.