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她是位有才华的音乐家,谱写了歌曲〈阿罗哈•奥耶〉。A talented musician, she composed the song "Aloha Oe."

这是对该公司的要求严格保密的回函。This is a strictly confidential re oe to a request made by the firm.

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对恐怖分子发动战争是反恐的正确反应。Waging war agai t the terrorists is the correct re oe to defeat terror.

大江健三郎是日本存在主义文学的代表作家。Kenzaburo Oe is a representative writer of Japanese existentialism literature.

你可以分享,因为很多档案,因为你想,他们可以对任何规模的光电文件类型。You can share as many files as you want and they can be of any size oe file type.

沛富光电备份,让您能够备份数据,对一个电脑和还原到另一个。ABF OE Backup allows you to backup data on the one computer and restore to another.

英语听力考验了我的词汇﹐语法﹐反应能力和综合能力。Listening ability tests our vocabulary, grammar, re oe ability and general ability.

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以转杯纱的解捻模型为理论基础,设计了新的捻度测试方法。The new twist testing method is designed according to the untwisting model of OE yarn.

不管怎样,频繁的适用刑罚是政府的一种懦弱和懈怠的表现。In any case, frequent punishments are a sign of weakness oe slackness in the government.

加强转杯纺纱机理的研究,提高、稳定OE纱的质量。Strengthen study on rotor spinning mechanism, improving the quality, stability of OE yarn.

动量流的选择导致了麦克斯韦应力张量的表示。The momentum current picture leads to a representation oe Max well's stress which is easy to.

这样,你可以参与OE的开发,当然也不只光通过插件形式。That way you may participate in OE development by another mean than just using the plugin system.

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诺贝尔奖获得者大江健三郎在集会上发表讲话,呼吁日本效仿意大利的先例。Speaking at the rally, Nobel laureate Kenzaburo Oe called for Japan to follow an example set by Italy.

觉着活在生活如是的奥秘之中,未觉者试图理解生活是什么。The awakened oe lives in the mystery that life is. The unawakened one tries to understand what life is.

现在,数周前所有的消息都是围绕达克·阿莱克斯的OE固件源代码的泄露。Right now, it all revolves around the leaking of Dark AleX's OE Firmware source code from a few weeks back.

向库房下达开工备货指令,包括所有采购件,库房标准件。Deliver start position announcement to warehouse for preparing all materials, including all OE and K9 parts.

实践证明,应用此项技术而开发的海洋工程实时采集程序是稳定、可靠、方便和实用的。The project of RTCS in OE with OO technique was given, which is proved stable, reliable, convenient and available.

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优化调湿技术可以显著改善高性能织机所使用的转杯纺棉纱的加工性能。Optimized conditioning decisively improves the processing characteristics of OE cotton yams in high-performance weaving.

今后仍需深入研究,提高其综合社会经济效益和OE纱的质量。Still need to be studied in the future, improving the quality of its comprehensive social and economic benefits and OE yarns.

针对转杯纱的结构特点及其对捻度测试的影响,提出了转杯纱的解捻模型。The untwisting model of OE yarn is pointed out according to the structure of OE yarn and its influence on the twist measurement.