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利物浦队的球迷唱著我的名字The Kop sing my name

利物浦也可以在考普看台前争取一场胜利。Liverpool can go for a win in front of the Kop.

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我只是站在考普山上的人之一。I'm just one of the people who stands on the kop.

当我在1969年来到这里后,我就习惯站在考普山上。I used to stand on the Kop when I was here in 1969.

阿耶斯特朗2004年随贝尼特斯来到了英格兰执教利物浦。Ayesteran arrived in England with Kop boss Rafa Benitez in 2004.

我唯一害怕的事情是在考普山面前错失一次空门得分机会。The only thing I fear is missing an open goal in front of the Kop.

利物浦队的球迷心里对结果和目标自有衡量,他们正在发问曾经辉煌的红军现在在哪里。The Kop know the value of finishers, of goal-getters. They ask where all the red ones went.

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他是俱乐部和国家队的双料队长,利物浦对他奉若神明,他的威名让所有对手都闻风丧胆。He's captain of both club and country, idolised by the KOP and feared by opponents everywhere.

红军传奇菲尔-汤普森支持卡拉格成为一流的教练。Kop great Phil Thompson has backed fellow Scouser Jamie Carragher to one day become a top-class manager.

红军传奇球星阿尔多是杰拉德的忠实球迷,他相信杰拉德能带领利物浦为09赛季荣耀而战。Kop hero Aldo is a big fan of Gerrard's and believes he should be the leading contender for the 2009 honour.

利物浦传奇球星卡塞自信利物浦将会拿到英超第四,但是强调关键在于他们要主场取得全胜战绩。Kop hero Case is confident Liverpool will finish fourth but insists it's vital they win all of their home games.

红军名宿菲尔·汤普森表示,历史昭示红军可以在冠军杯16强的比赛中淘汰巴塞罗那。Kop legend Phil Thompson insists history shows the Reds can beat Barcelona in the last 16 of the Champions League.

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我们的上帝福勒近日表示,下赛季的利物浦定能够锁定球队历史上第一个英超冠军!Kop icon Robbie Fowler is backing Liverpool to go one better next season and clinch the Barclays Premier League title.

达格利什呼吁球迷们为了卢卡斯本赛季出色的状态而为他编制一首专属于他的歌曲。Kenny Dalglish has called for the Kop to reward Lucas Leiva's magnificent form by serenading him with his very own song.

根据利物浦队长在每周比赛集锦所说的,西班牙国脚与克莱门斯非常相似。The Spain international is right up there with Ray Clemence according to the Kop captain turned Match of the Day pundit.

利物浦传奇球星肯尼迪强调利物浦根本找不到害怕曼城的理由,他表示利物浦一定可以全取三分。Kop hero Kennedy insists there is no reason to fear Roberto Mancini's side and claims the Reds can take all three points.

与此同时里瑟仍然热衷跟随他的前东家,并认为2009-10赛季将是一个历史性的为大赛季。Meanwhile, Riise remains a keen follower of his former club and believes 2009-10 could be an historic season for the Kop.

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由于曼联可能以19个联赛冠军超越利物浦时,红军球迷迫不及待的希望竞争对手掉链子。And with United threatening to move ahead of Liverpool with 19 league titles, Kop fans are desperate to derail their rivals.

贝尼特斯将展现自己的砍价风范,他准备对巴里提出8百万镑的报价。Kop boss Rafa Benitez is ready to bring his year-long pursuit of Barry to an end with a cut-price £8million bid this summer.

利物浦是一个总是看到有希望的那一面的城市,KOP也因为他们的精神和乐观而誉满全球。Liverpool is usually a glass half-full kind of city, and the Kop are renowned throughout the world for their humour and spirit.