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要注意你取景器中的画面。Be sensitive to the scene in your viewfinder.

想象取景器中一点一点移动的栅格。Imagine a tick-tack-toe grid in your viewfinder.

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确保有植物如草、树的叶子占满整个取景器。Make sure to just have green grass covering the entire viewfinder.

如果是普通相机的话,你则是通过一个独立的取景器来观察呈像。With point-and-shoot cameras, you look through a separate viewfinder.

但是你马上就可在取景器中查看。But you can check it right away by just looking through the viewfinder.

当按压预景深自动曝光锁定按钮时,取景器相将变暗。The viewfinder image will darken when the previewAE lock button is pressed.

额外的摆动和放大的聚焦会使取景器非常欢迎。The extra wobble and zoomed-in focusing would make a viewfinder very welcome here.

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保持身体的重量分配在两只脚上,用左眼观察取景器。Anchor your weight equally on both feet, and lower your left eye to the viewfinder.

在这一步的质量控制中,工作人员正在确定相机取景器的准确度。In this stage of quality control, a technician determines the accuracy of the camera’s viewfinder.

纠正线能帮助避免近距离摄影时削掉头和脚。Parallax correction mark in the viewfinder can help avoid chopp head and feet off at close distance.

我将主光尽量的放在我的相机旁,但是又不进入相机的取景器。I positioned the main light as close as possible to the camera, but just outside the camera viewfinder.

五面镜更便宜更轻,但是成像的质量和亮度差。This is cheaper and lighter, but generally produces a viewfinder image of lower quality and brightness.

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软管内置相机镜头内,配备有凑型的取景器或三英寸的液晶显示屏。Camera lens inside a flexible tube comes with either a compact viewfinder or a three-inch LCD display module.

完美保持您偶尔一瞥导航仪,或使用您的手机作为头盔摄像头的取景器。Perfect for keeping the occasional eye on your navigation or using your phone as a viewfinder for your helmet cam.

如果我从取景器中看到了熟悉的东西,我都会采取措施改变一下.If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up. – Garry Winogrand

我发现对我来说放下相机,从取景器后离开一阵子是个有效的方法。I’ve found what works for me is taking a break from the myopic view behind the camera when I can’t see past the viewfinder.

大多数普通相机的取景器可以在调焦的过程中自动地调整显示画面。Most zoom point-and-shoot cameras, for example, have a viewfinder that automatically adjusts your view as you zoom in or out.

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如果你的取景器里被天空占满,最后只有一些光纹留在画面中,其它的什么都没有。If you fill the viewfinder with only sky, you're going to end up with a bunch of light streaks on the frame and not much else.

有些日子,美好的事情发生在你眼前,可是你却被迷住了。在另外的一些的日子里,在取景器中没有发现什么。Some days, wonderful things happen right in front of you. You are charmed. Other days, nothing comes together in the viewfinder.

要拍摄出令人印象深刻的照片就要积极寻找线条,将它们置于你的取景器中以激发特有的情感。To create more effective photographs actively look for lines and arrange them within your viewfinder to invoke specific feelings.