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人们总是串通一气不把真情告诉我。People always conspire to keep the truth from me.

你和他串通一起反对我,是吧,毒蛇?And you conspire with him against me, do you, viper?

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外邦为什么争闹,万民为什么谋算虚妄的事。Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?

两件事情凑到沉淀洛基我们离开。Two events conspire to precipitate our departure from Loki.

梁爱诗和叶刘淑怡,要把一把刀放在港人头上。Elsie Leung and Regina Ip conspire to place a knife above our heads.

他们并没有密谋进行贸易现金评级——因为不需要。They did not secretly conspire to trade ratings for cash—they didn't need to.

平民党领导人保罗和彼得正密谋推翻贵族。Paolo and Pietro, leaders of the plebeian party, conspire to overthrow the aristocracy.

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他们可以相互勾结,并且和别人的妻子或情妇打情骂俏They can conspire against each other, and they can hit on each other's wives and mistresses.

塑料片不可能阴谋对抗你,只给你四个黑桃,而不给第五个。Pieces of plastic cannot possibly conspire against you to give you four spades, but not a fifth.

精诚合作,同谋发展,共创辉煌!Earnest and sincere cooperation, conspire together the development, create the brilliancy together!

现在约瑟夫的兄弟们都妒忌雅各布对他的偏爱,他们密谋要解决掉他。Now Joseph's brothers are jealous of Jacob's partiality to Joseph, And they conspire to be rid of him.

这就是科学和法律如何协作使得我们生活的世界成为一个更加安全适于我们居住的地方了。This is one of the ways that science and the law conspire to make the world a safer and better place to live.

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雷聪与佩珊联手制造金融危机,致使汤氏企业濒临破产,他的阴谋能得逞吗?Lei Chong and Pei Shan jointly conspire a financial crisis, causing Tang clan business at the edge of bankrupt.

任何美国政府的雇员不得介入或谋划进行政治暗杀。No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.

然而无产者,只消叫他们意识到自己的力量,就根本用不着什么地下活动。But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire.

为了让中国赢得跆拳道比赛而建议一名韩裔的菲律宾裁判来做谋划者,这也太蠢了。To suggest a Korean-Filipino judge would conspire so China could win in a Korean Taekwondo sport is simply stupid.

他还叫人们注意官与商的勾结——当商人把企业做到一定程度,为了维持现有利益,总会与官员串通。And he warned that successful business people were always trying to conspire with politicians to preserve the status quo.

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这些因素合起来,使管道安装工的工作难以拆散,无论别人说它应该是怎样。These factors conspire to make even the pipefitter’s work tenaciously non-trivial, no matter how it might be otherwise modeled.

新教徒的职业道德与阴冷的气候促使吃饭更近乎是热量补充而非社交往来。The Protestant work ethic and the dismal weather conspire to make eating more of a refueling pit-stop than a social ce1ebration.

虽然政府努力试图让消费者打开钱夹,但上述因素几乎是不可逾越的鸿沟。These all conspire to place an almost insurmountable drag on the government's efforts to get its consumers to open their wallets.