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尖齿叉子或干草叉等工具上的尖头。A prong on an implement such as a fork or pitchfork.

如果只用干草叉来做园艺工作,真是一种浪费。What a waste to use a pitchfork only for garden work.

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泽尔达告诉我他们坐着不动被画时,斯考特老是把干草叉弄掉。All through their sittings, Zelda told me, Scott kept dropping the pitchfork.

音乐共享网站还有一个共同点就是他们并不希望提供像iTunes,Pandor或者甚至是Pithcfork那样的服务。All the same, these sites do not aspire to serve as iTunes, Pandora, or even Pitchfork.

巴蒂尔进入城镇厘定其杈和运行到克里斯之一,弗莱彻的男子。Shane goes into town to fix their pitchfork and runs into Chris, one of Fletcher's men.

当你得到自己一份杈枝状试图消除小型分公司或棍棒等材料。Get yourself a pitchfork when you are trying to remove twiggy materials such as small branches or sticks.

拿着干草叉的歌手下唇开始颤抖。死一般的寂静在观众里漫延开来。The lower lip of the Singer with the pitchfork starts trembling. Dead silence spreads through the audience.

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而那个手持干草叉的老兄却仍然得照料这些体态笨拙的动物,因此古英语单词cow仍旧保留了它原来鲜活的叫法。But the guy with the pitchfork still had to manage these ponderous creatures and so the Old English name stuck to the live versions.

这个音乐节在我们的这份目录上面是成立时间最短的一个,为了庆祝PITCHFORK音乐节成立6周年,将会举办独立的音乐表演。The youngest festival on our list, the Pitchfork festival will celebrate its sixth year with another showcase of some of the best groups independent music has to offer.

推导出一维非线性微分动力系统发生鞍结分岔、跨临界分岔和叉形分岔三种基本平衡点分岔的条件。The conditions of three elementary static bifurcations as saddle-node, transcritical, and pitchfork types of bifurcations for a one-dimensional ordinary differential equation are formulated.

他为你提供相近的艺术家,你经常关注的采访,怀旧演唱会,类型电影与其他免费项目,还有够cool够high的作品。It’ll offer the same smattering of artists you’re used to on Pitchfork along with interviews, vintage concerts, feature films, and lots of other free, cool, high resolution stuff. Check it out.

他们和装着土豆的篮子、插在地上的干草叉及推车几乎成一线,突显了他们的孤独感。In the paining, they and three tools, namely the basket with potatoes, the pitchfork spiked upright in the ground, and the wheelbarrow, nearly stand a line, which emphasize their sense of loneliness.