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盛行西北风。Prevailing northwest wind.

他最大的嗜好是贪财。Avarice was his prevailing passion.

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风向盛行西北转南东。Southeast winds prevailing northwest turn.

节约成风。Thrift has become the prevailing practice.

变革是当今世界的潮流。Reform is a prevailing trend in today's world.

这里最常刮的风是西南风。The prevailing wind here is from the south-west.

它外表是一个弧形,正对着吹过来的风。It is built in a curve, facing the prevailing winds.

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这似乎已经成为了足球界盛行的道德规范了。In football, that does seem to be the prevailing ethic.

一位新保守主义者概括了运动中的主流倾向。One neocon sums up the prevailing mood in the movement.

祷告奉主耶稣基督得胜的圣名。阿们!We pray in your own precious and prevailing Name. Amen!

她的发型是这个城市流行的款式。She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city.

在这方面,现行的水瓶座守护星是天王星。In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus.

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在这方面,现行的水瓶座守护星是天王星。In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus.

谁了解盛行风或者洋流的情况呢。Who knows about the prevailing winds or the ocean currents.

如果是这个价格,那我们可是谈不到一块儿了。But the price comes in line with the prevailing market level.

保单贷款金额须支付利息及有关息率将不时更改。Prevailing loan interest rate applies and is subject to change.

你方还盘价与现行市场价不符。The price you counter is not in line with the prevailing market.

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传奇是盛行于唐朝的一种文人小说。Chuanqi was a kind of scholar's novel prevailing in Tang Dynasty.

生长季盛行西南风和南风。Southwest and southern winds are prevailing in the growth season.

他们谈了谈他们省的大好形势。They told of the excellent situation prevailing in their province.