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有几个真才实学的专家?There are several substantive experts?

几乎没得出什么实质性的结论“Few substantive conclusions were reached."

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她的回信很冗长。She would write back in a substantive way.

但是左伊有一个更实在的反对。But Zooey has a more substantive objection.

对他的批评声中有两点具有实质意义。There are two substantive criticisms of him.

这是迄今为止“第三条路线”最富成果的一次会议。This was by far our most substantive Third Way meeting.

最惠国待遇条款一般适用于实体问题。MFN clause generally applies to the substantive problem.

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其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。Its content includes procedural right and substantive right.

六方会谈已开始讨论实质性问题。The six-party talks have begun to discuss substantive issue.

我们希望美朝之间的对话能够取得实质性成果。We hope to see substantive results of the U.S.-DPRK dialogue.

他暂任少校,但他真正的军阶是上尉。He is temporarily a major but his substantive rank is captain.

本文通过运用大量的案例分析,希望能使行文表达通俗易懂。The paper uses substantive cases to make it demotic and pellucid.

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有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法。Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law.

许多人都对婚姻平等有不同的看法。Many people hold different substantive views about marriage equality.

实体法与程序法作为矛盾的对立双方相互依赖、互为前提。Substantive law and procedural law are dependent and action each other.

白宫助理表示,布什总统的这次访问将是礼节性的,但也具有实质性意义。White House aides say the trip will be both ceremonial and substantive.

他说,"我们将竭尽全力达成一项具有实质意义的协议。""We will do our best and try to have a substantive agreement," he said.

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各方在这些实质问题上的立场并不一致。The positions of the parties are not the same on these substantive issues.

美国应该坚持将实质性的议事日程作为奥巴马访问的前提。The US should insist on a substantive agenda as a precondition for any Obama visit.

不要再把QQ、MSN的签名搞成针对实质性内容的抱怨。Do not then use the substantive content of complaints as your QQ or MSN's signature.