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这是我最喜欢的滑稽短剧。That was one of my favorite skit.

虽然还是个孩子,但是在一个滑稽短剧中却可以看到他拥有着惊人的小弟弟。Child with an extraordinary penis from a comedy skit

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小品演员赵本山位居第六。Skit and sitcom actor Zhao Benshan is in the sixth place.

在它里面单尼尔,鲁珀特,艾玛和马太正在制定来自讽刺文的现场。In it Daniel, Rupert, Emma and Matthew are enacting a scene from the skit.

选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文练习,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去。We can have enough interest to keep on study with your choice of the novel, skit or good essay.

苏则在一出短剧里演练如何对付一个火气很冲的吸烟者,剧中她正在影院外排队。Sue practices dealing with an angry smoker in a skit that involves her waiting in line at the movies.

但是另外,当您想到,不知道您看没看过Monty,Python的滑稽短剧?But there's one thing to think you know, you think of I don't know if you've seen the Monty Python's skit.

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通过比较看出,婚变戏文和婚变杂剧在婚变模式和婚变内涵上有很大的差异。The skit and variety plays of marital conversion show great contrast in both the models and the connotation.

本剧以诙谐玩笑方式介绍珠算心算应用三阶段。The skit demonstrates the three stages of abacus usage and teaches about changes in the history of computing.

介绍了立置热虹吸式再沸器精馏装置中精馏塔裙座高度的计算方法,并推导了计算公式。Calculation method of tower skit height in erect hot siphon and calculation formula are introduced in this paper.

镜头来到西苑高中,志工以趣味的话剧演出吸引同学的目光,要大家来减碳。Meanwhile in Xiyuan High School, Tzu Chi volunteers come up with a humorous skit to draw attention to reducing carbon emissions.

在滑稽短剧中唐尼由于患有一种叫做magnimus-obliviophallocytis的疾病以至于小小年纪就有着硕大的生殖器。In the skit Donny was said to be suffering from magnimus-obliviophallocytis which caused him to have a large penis at a young age.

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与从前赵本山小品不大一样的是,这一次在节目后半程出现了大段的“哭点”,走温情路线令人始料未及。And they zhao4 ben3 shan skit is different, this time in program second appeared large chunks of "cry point", walk warmth route unexpected.

和孩子们一起做木偶并为亲友上演木偶剧,或者帮助孩子上演关于自己所经历事情的短喜剧。Make puppets with the children and put on a puppet show for family and friends, or help children put on a skit about what they experienced.

她曾经出面在这个星期早些时候的音乐电视颁奖礼上,和双栖明星即是说单口相声的喜剧演员又是脱口秀主持人切尔西·海德勒共同表演了一幕滑稽短剧。She also appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards earlier in the week, performing a skit with stand-up comic and talk show host Chelsea Handler.

当然,这个滑稽短剧的笑点是,他按下了电梯按钮,花了一分半,等电梯。And then of course, the point of the skit is he presses the down button on the elevator and a minute and a half goes by while he's waiting for the elevator to come.

中国中央电视台播出了一出有四个小孩的短剧——四个小孩儿分别穿着有中国、美国、巴西以及印度国旗标志的衣服——在剧中上演了一场跑步竞赛。China’s CCTV aired a skit showing four children — one wearing the Chinese flag, another the American, another the Indian, and another the Brazilian — getting ready to run a race.

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忽然有个掉队的唱戏人向戏迷讨水喝,俩人用戏文对了几句话,把戏迷高兴得要命。Suddenly a person of act in an opera that drop out denounces water to drink to theater fun, two people were opposite with skit a few words, drive sb. to his death theater fun with joy.

受其影响,随后,严顺开、赵丽蓉、宋丹丹、巩汉林、赵本山等等一大批小品明星脱颖而出,小品这个新的演艺形式空前火暴。Since then, a large group of skit stars have shown up, represented by Yan Shunkai, Zhao Lirong, Song Dandan, Gong Hanlin and Zhao Benshan, elevating the art of the skit to its peak of fame.

马格尼茨基立刻摆出一副架势,开始朗诵他为讥讽几位彼得堡的知名人士而作的法文滑稽诗,有几次被掌声打断。Magnitsky at once threw himself into an attitude, and began to recite comic French verses, a skit he had composed on various well-known persons. Several times he was interrupted by applause.