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这列火车已转至旁轨。The train has shunted to a siding.

这列火车已转辙至傍轨。The train was switched into a siding.

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列车转辙进入侧线。The train was switched into the siding.

“唯一的毛病是外墙是石棉的。”她说。“Only problem is the siding is asbestos,” she says.

那么假设有一个毫无防备的人正好站在岔线上呢?Suppose a single unsuspecting man was on the siding?

波纹钢壁板是一种比铝硬的材料。Corrugated steel siding is a stiffer material than aluminum.

赞同国际政治中最著名的“傻大个”站在一起。Siding with the most famous Bozos of international politics.

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这一次塞格尔站到了他的学生一边,与朋友意见相左。Mr. Siegel is siding with his student and against his friend.

层间滑动带在泗顶矿区非常发育。There are many interlayer sliding belts in Siding Pb-Zn mine.

你可以清理乙烯基侧板与普通肥皂和板刷。You can clean vinyl siding with regular soap and a scrub brush.

阿布多·卡德尔解释了他延迟公开支持反对派的原因。Abdl Khadr explains his delay in openly siding with the opposition.

在这场名人间的甲流疫苗口水战中,我站在女演员阿曼达·皮特一边。In the celebrity vaccine wars, I’m siding with actress Amanda Peet.

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压胶壁板有助于保持你的房子了,降低害虫取暖费。Caulking your house siding helps keep pests out and lowers heating bills.

转辙器就在旁边,它可以使你让火车改道到岔线去。There's a switch nearby that would let you divert the train onto a siding.

在壁板下面是一个“飞溅基础”,以进一步防止恶化。Underneath the siding is a "splash base" to further prevent deterioration.

环保人士和厄瓜多尔政府都支持原告。Environmentalists and the government of Ecuador are siding with the plaintiffs.

21世纪,没有支持人民权利的实际替代品。In the 21st century, there's no realistic alternative to siding with people power.

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螺钉不能直接钉在挂板面上。如果没有钉槽,用钉眼冲孔器做一个。Screw can not directly on the siding. If there is no nail groove, made a nail hole.

铁路道碴,将载入碴列车在一个既定的镇流器偏袒。Railway ballast will be loaded onto ballast trains at an established ballast siding.

该建筑还利用回收材料广泛,包括从谷仓壁板。The building also used reclaimed materials extensively, including siding from a barn.