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他无法吃到烤面包。He couldn't eat toasts any mor.

因此我毫不知晓莫里得病的情况。So I did not know of Mor rie's illness.

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随着成型压力的增加,板材的静曲强度和弹性模量都上升。The board's MOR and MOE rise with the increasement of molding pressure.

较少睡眠还会使孩子变得倦怠,从而导致其运动量减少。Less sleep also leaves children mor lethargic, so they cut down on exercise.

MOR正在应征会员将您拍摄的照片作为MOR未来特刊的封面照。MOR is calling on members to send photos for the cover of future MOR issues.

图为铁道部党组成员及部机关全体人员庄严地向国旗行注目礼。MOR Party Group members and the headquarter staffs watching the flag hoisting solemnly.

它具有实用、灵活、可靠的特点,并已经在铁道部的光纤通信网现场中推广使用。And it has shown high application value in the optical fiber communication field of MOR.

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通过滚压刚化表面涂饰和高MOR,得到的坚固、经济的耐火级产品。A rolled, rigidized surface finish and high MOR give a tough, economic refractory grade product.

结论在MOR和OTR质粒共转染CHO细胞及大鼠脑组织中存在异源性MOR和OTR二聚体。Conclusion The heterodimers of MOR and OTR exist in the cotransfected CHO cells and brain tissues.

调查项目为胸径及容积密度、纤维长、弹性模量等材性性状。The indexes are the wood property and character, namely, DBH, bulk density, fiber length, MOR etc.

他的朋友兼医生詹姆斯·摩梯末医生说查尔斯爵士的心脏虚弱已颇有一段时日了。His friend and doctor, Dr James Mor timer, said that Sir Charles'heart had been weak for some time.

温度对刨花板的内结合强度影响显著,而对静曲强度和弹性模量影响不显著。The temperature has a significant effect on the IB of the PB, non-marked effect on the MOE and MOR.

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同时,我们也要感谢为了MOR的成长和成功做出了努力的每一位读者、评审人及编辑。We wish to thank each author, reviewer, and editor who contributed to the growth and success of MOR.

友谊和花香一样,还是淡一点比较好,越是淡一点的香气越使人依恋,也越能持久。Friendship is like flowers fragrance, the mor delicat it is, the more attractive and longlasting it will be.

感恩,它虽说是一个行为动词,但它不止需要行动,更重要的是需要做到真心实意。Thanksgiving, although it is an act of th vrb, but it nds mor action, mor importantly, nds tob don in good faith.

不,思嘉,国外援助这个概念只不过是报纸发明出来用以维持南方士气的一个法宝而已。No, Sc arlett, the idea of assistance from abroad is just a newspaper invention to keep up the mor ale of the South.

法国巴黎到德国柏林,只有545英里,巴黎到伦敦只有213英里,而纽约到芝加哥呢?超过900英里。Paris, France, to Berlin, Germany is 545 miles. Paris to London. 213 miles. New York City, to Chicago? Mor than 900 miles!

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这些电影的主人公大多是一个“无名小卒”,无钱无权无势却又喜欢弄笑和耍酷。The protagonists in those movies were mostly"nobodies". They have neither money, mor power, but like making fun and playing cool.

这些电影的主人公大多是一个“无名小卒”,无钱无权无势却又喜欢搞笑和耍酷。The protagonists in those movies were mostly" nobodies ". They have neither money, mor power, but like making fun and playing cool.

技术信息处承担全院700多台的计算机管理、网络维护、质量控制和蓝图底图的管理。Technical Information Division undertakes mor than 700 computers management, quality control and management of blueprint and base map.