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肠胃炎吃什么药?What drug does gastroenteritis take?

在早期往往与感冒、胃肠炎难以鉴别。In early and cold, often difficult to identify gastroenteritis.

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肠胃炎吃什么药能控制?What medicine does gastroenteritis eat to you can be controlled?

诺沃克类病毒胃肠炎星状病毒性胃肠炎。Wouk kind of virus gastroenteritis astroid virulent gastroenteritis.

诺沃克类病毒胃肠炎肠腺病毒性贾肠炎。Nuowoke kind of virus gastroenteritis intestinal glands virulent Jia Changyan.

传染性胃肠类是猪的一种高度接触传染性肠道疾病。Transmissible gastroenteritis is a highly contagious, enteric disease of swine.

因为不常生气,所以容易有肠胃炎或者肚子痛。Because he doesn't get mad often, he's prone to gastroenteritis and stomachaches.

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可遇上了一个胃肠炎的人,便会产生一连串连锁反应。Gastroenteritis can be met by a person, there will be a series of knock-on effect.

轮状病毒是世界范围内流行性胃肠炎暴发的重要病因。Rotavirus is one of the major cause of the viral gastroenteritis throughout the world.

诺如病毒是世界急性胃肠炎的重要病原之一。Norovirus has been recognized as one of the major causes of gastroenteritis in the world.

胃肠炎是以腹痛、腹泻、头痛和发烧为特征的一种疾病。Gastroenteritis is a disease characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, and fever.

目的对一起发生在某医院内科病区的群体性胃肠炎进行调查和分析。Objective To investigate and analyze a case of gastroenteritis outbreak in an internal medicine ward.

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无论如何都要忍!因为不常发火,所以容易得肠胃炎或常感肚子痛。Suppress at all costs. Because he doesn't get mad often, he's prone to gastroenteritis and stomach aches.

被污染的安哥拉水源也被认为是导致纳米比亚北部肠胃炎暴发的原因。Contaminated Angolan water supplies have also been blamed for an outbreak of gastroenteritis in northern Namibia.

显示类固醇对于控制某些放射治疗后所引起的出血性胃肠炎有很好的效果。In conclusion, steroid therapy can effectively treat some patients with radiation-induced hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.

目的对一起诺瓦克样病毒引起的群体性胃肠炎进行调查和分析。Objective To investigate, treat and analyze of population viral gastroenteritis incident caused by Norwalk like virus.

评估使用止吐剂减少儿童和青少年急性肠胃炎引发之呕吐的安全性及效果。To assess the safety and effectiveness of antiemetics on gastroenteritis induced vomiting in children and adolescents.

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据官员透露,女王出现了呕吐和腹泻等肠胃炎症状。According to officials, she's been suffering from the symptoms of gastroenteritis which include vomiting and diarrhoea.

目的探讨思密达在宫颈癌放疗所致急性胃肠道反应中的作用。Objective To evaluate the effect of smecta on acute gastroenteritis induced by the radiotherapy in human cervical cancer.

在儿童急性胃肠炎呕吐使用止吐剂的安全性和有效性是有待探讨的。Evidence is needed concerning the safety and efficacy of antiemetic use for vomiting in acute gastroenteritis in children.