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它结合了很多思想It combined so many ideas.

这两者如何结合为一?How are these two combined?

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检索与机译结合。Retrieval is combined with MT.

在他身上混合着许多对立面。In him were combined many opposites.

可以将这两种方法组合起来。These two approaches can be combined.

剑侠阿竹一路护送下山。O combined way down the escort bamboo.

——年龄加在一起,一百一十四。Combined age, one hundred and fourteen.

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四字合并,统领全园。Four words combined command of the Park.

土和水混合在一起形成泥浆。The dirt and water combined to form mud.

决定弹力是怎样组合的。Determines how the bounciness is combined.

组合了热转换和冷转换。Hot Cutover and Cold Cutover are combined.

我们的联合舰队最近进行了重新编队。Our combined fleet has recently re-formed.

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这些设备都组装在采砂船上。The devices are often combined on dredges.

最后一次显影才显出套合图像。Final development reveals a combined image.

对模拟音源组合的音量控制。Volume control for combined analog sources.

手术和放射治疗必须相结合。Surgery and radiotherapy should be combined.

而且我发现,跟瑜伽结合起来,And I found that, that combined with yoga is,

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武汉长江大桥是铁路和公路两用桥!Wuhan Longriver-bridge is a combined bridge !

梳子以及宅兆里的枪榴弹结合在一路。the comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb.

这是一个全或无的基础上联合报价。This is a combined offer on all or none basis.