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这是你的论文吗?Is this you dissertation?

下个月交你的学位论文。Turn in your dissertation next month.

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安做有关波德莱尔的博士论文。Ann did her dissertation on Baudelaire.

全文共有六章。This dissertation contains six chapters.

我还没有给我的论文加上脚注。I have not yet footnoted my dissertation.

论文分为七章。This dissertation falls into seven chapters.

全文共分为四章,约五万字。The dissertation is divided to four chapters.

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此论文属于共时的研究。This dissertation belongs to synchronic study.

本文回顾了小波变换的发展过程。This dissertation reviews the development of WT.

我的论文中有什么不当之处,请您哂正。Please point out any mistakes in my dissertation.

美国克拉科基金会1997年度奖金。Dissertation Research Award, Clark Foundation, 1997.

嗯,我正在完成我的博士论文。H'm , I just at completion my doctoral dissertation.

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本文采用问题导向的研究方法。The dissertation adopts the problem-oriented method.

这个博士生为写学位论文而搜肠刮肚。The PhD student beat his brain over his dissertation.

本文包括前言、主文和结论。The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

本论文包括六章及附录。This dissertation consists of 6 chapters and appendix.

本文除导言外共分四章。This dissertation consists of four independent chapters.

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实际上,他的博士论文就是关于中央山脊的研究。In fact, he wrote his dissertation on the midocean ridge.

那是他为取得神学学位而写的论文。That was his dissertation written for the degree of B. D.

全文分为绪论和四个主要章节。The dissertation consists of introduction and four parts.