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妈妈在刷澡盆。Mummy is scrubbing the bathtub.

把澡盆里的水放出去。Let the water out of the bathtub.

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注意到我们已经清洗了浴缸。Notice that we cleaned the bathtub.

多花一些时间在浴缸中。Spend some quality time in the bathtub.

这个浴缸很大,足够两一自己同时实际运用了。The bathtub is huge full to few people.

洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。Clean out the bathtub when you are done.

请把浴缸里的水放掉。Please let the water out of the bathtub.

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“好,”「明妃」从浴缸中叫喊。"Yeah, " yelled Princess from the bathtub.

两个数学先驱都在浴盆里洗过澡。Both the math pathfinders bathed in the bathtub.

两个数学空降导航人员在这个澡盆里游泳。Both the math pathfinders bathed in the bathtub.

澡盆中的水漫溢出来,白白浪费了。The water in the bathtub overflows and is wasted.

请你把浴缸放满热水好吗?Would you please fill the bathtub with hot water?

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首先,浴缸的水龙头老是滴水。First, the faucet in the bathtub drips constantly.

水从澡盆的边缘溢出。The water is running over the edge of the bathtub.

在浴缸旁的地面上有块地脚巾。On the floor beside the bathtub there is a bath-mat.

建筑天窗、浴缸的防漏材料。CONSTRUCTION Sealing materials for skylight, bathtub.

在浴缸里放满冰水,把身体慢慢放进浴缸。Fill your bathtub with cold water, and slowly get in.

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洗手间也很大,并且还有沐浴和浴缸。The toilet was also very big with shower and bathtub.

塞好浴缸与水槽的下水口,以免污水倒流。Plug bathtub and sink drains to prevent sewage backup.

她把象耳叶扔在我身上。She threw the elephant leaf down on me in the bathtub.