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只是聚合数据?Aggregate Data Only?

数据是否正确地聚合?Does the data aggregate correctly?

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此面积的大小由骨料粒度决定。The aggregate size determines the area.

映射子查询和聚合功能Mapping subquery and aggregate functions

天然滑石矿是多种矿物的集合体。Natural talc is a multimineral aggregate.

储蓄额总的来说处于上升趋势。Savings in the aggregate are on the rise.

整个来说,我们队得分最多。Our team scored the most goals on aggregate.

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Pagerank根据的是链接选择的聚集。Pagerank is based on aggregate linking choices.

里面不含有任何园土或集料。It contains no field soil or aggregate whatsoever.

进帐总额将达一千美元。The money collected will aggregate a thousand dollars.

这个发布服务属于聚合发布类型。This publish service is of the aggregate publish type.

一个关键设计决策是汇总表的粒度。A key design decision is the grain of aggregate tables.

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在合理的争辩平台上收集团队的知识。Aggregate the group's knowledge through a frank debate.

投资组合管理关注点在总计的层次上。Portfolio management focuses attention at an aggregate level.

但问题是,我并没有任何,集合的概念。But the problem is I wasn't taking any kind of aggregate view.

红灯塔也拉在从狗吠声的空气污染指数总体评价。Red Beacon also pulls in the aggregate rating from Yelp's API.

但是增加总需求并没有结束大萧条。But boosting aggregate demand did not end the Great Depression.

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复合骨料系混凝土中的普通骨料被轻骨料取代而成。The composite aggregate is composed of LWA and normal aggregate.

常见的集料包括沙子,碎石,蒙脱石和轻石。Common aggregate used includes sand, gravel, turface, and pumice.

从具有不同骨料粒度的立方浇注块中切出方形板块。Square slabs were cut from cubes cast with various aggregate sizes.