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因为那儿有朵枯萎的花躺在草间。As where some flower lay withering on the ground.

老陈用那令人畏惧的眼神再一次打量他。Mr. Chen sized him up again with a withering look.

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旧的价值观念在新社会里正在逐渐消亡。The old values are withering away in a new society.

浪漫是瞧见花将凋零想哭泣。Romance is seeing flowers withering away you want to cry.

但现在业内,就像许多金融业一样,枯萎了。But now that industry, like much of finance, is withering.

我爸爸叫达里加尔,是他把你们从那个酷热的地方救了出来。My daddy, Darigal saved you from withering in the extreme heat.

一束暖房里培养出来的鲜花,正在一张小巧玲珑的写字台上枯萎下去。A bunch of hothouse flowers was withering upon a tiny writing-table.

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因为寒冷的风,花了我的眼睛在舞台。Because of cold winds, which spend my eyes are in a withering stage.

与此同时,一场毁灭性的干旱正使得俄罗斯大量的农作物枯萎。At the same time, a devastating drought was withering Russia's crops.

牡丹快要谢了,如果你还要去,我也愿意陪你。The peonies are withering now. If you would go, I would accompany you.

化学防治能有效的控制雪松枝枯病。This chemical control was effective to prevent cedar branch- withering.

“帝国”师的装甲部队用猛烈的火力来阻止他们的进攻。Then the Das Reich panzers put down withering fire to halt their attack.

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如果他看到这样一个光鲜的、辞藻华丽的表演,苏格拉底一定非常失望。Socrates was withering when it came to a polished rhetorical performance.

对沃尔库塔的许多人来说,家乡前景的灰暗是一个悲剧。For many in Vorkuta, the prospect of their town withering away is a tragedy.

合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎枯萎期为宜。The right time to collect rhizome should be at the stage of twining stem withering.

尽管有我的呵护,这些凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光.Hitherto the withering flowers can’t withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care.

那位肌肉发达的侍者斜靠在吧台上,死死的盯着他的顾客。The beefy attendant leaned over the bar and fixed a withering glare on his customer.

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面对这样使人哑口无言的批评,人们很容易会有忽视整个职业的倾向的。In the face of such withering criticism, it's tempting to ignore the whole profession.

此时的我,正是冬日枯萎的小草,在冰天雪地里迷离。This time I, it was the winter the withering grass, in a world of ice and snow in blur.

然而,一个即将谢幕的幼小的生命,却让我如此动容,让我庄严地向她致敬!But a withering young life touches me so much that it arouses my solemn respect for her!