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皮革厂老板霍华德。Enterprise boss Howard.

吉汽的企业系列。JAC s enterprise series.

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为企业电子商务助跑!For Enterprise E-C run-up!

我在一家外资企业工作。I'm in a foreign enterprise.

企业推动软件移动化趋势Enterprise Drives Mobile Growth

企业文化,海尔文化。Enterprise culture, Haire culture.

他是这家企业的主脑。He was the soul of the enterprise.

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企业转化是什么?What is Enterprise Transformation?

中小企业和大企业的云计算SMB’s and Large Enterprise on Cloud

菲力浦是个事业心很强的人。Philip was a man of great enterprise.

进取心是好的,进取心是对的,进取心是有用的。Enterprise is right. Enterprise works.

美国海丰企业公司。Haifeng enterprise company of U. S. A.

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学习是一项终生的事业。Learn is the enterprise of a lifetime.

移动性是杀手级企业应用。Mobility as the killer enterprise app.

一企业不端行为。One enterprise dishonourable behavior.

企业LSID解决方案网络The Enterprise LSID Resolution Network

这家企业的远景极其美好。The enterprise has excellent prospects.

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服务对企业数据的所有权。Ownership of enterprise data by services.

春城公司是重庆市一家民营企业。Chuncheng company is a private enterprise.

贵公司是否开建立了电子商务系统?。Have your enterprise developed e-commerce?