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公交也便宜得多。Transport is much cheaper.

遣送是间歇性的。The transport is spasmodic.

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运输成本也在增加。Transport costs have shot up.

剧痛孕育了狂喜。Transport is taught by throe.

水、陆、空交通便利。Water, land and air transport.

调查工具-车,船,步行。Survey transport car, boat, foot.

比较价格箱运输。Compare prices of transport tanks.

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每吨货物平均运程?。Average Transport Distance Per Ton?

但是如果交通系统更发达而汽车污染更少就好了。better transport system and less car

现在有更多的木材需要运输。There’s more timber to transport now.

士兵离开运输航登陆了。Soldiers disembarked from a transport.

马上带狗狗去见兽医。Immediately transport the dog to a vet.

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这些运河被用来运送货物The canals were used to transport goods.

每旅客平均运程?。Average Transport Distance Per Passenger?

我们要给交通成本取个名字We'll give a name to that transport cost.

克罗是英国伦敦铁路、海运及运输工会的领导人。Bob Crow is leader of transport union RMT.

通常的交通工具是独木舟。Dugout canoes a popular means of transport.

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我使用大众交通工具代替开车。I used public transport instead of the car.

它展示了交通和交通的发展过程。It looks at transport and how that's grown.

这种类型的搬运称为河底滚沙。This type of transport is called saltation.