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那就是剑龙。That is a Stegosaurus.

剑龙是草食动物。Stegosaurus was a plant eater.

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剑龙用它们来保护。The Stegosaurus uses them for protection.

剑龙是个一个全副武装的战士。The Stegosaurus was a well-equipped fighter.

就像是在攀登剑龙的背锋。It was like scaling the spikes of a Stegosaurus.

剑龙也是食草恐龙之一。Stegosaurus was one of the many plant-eating dinosaurs.

剑龙的脑袋非常小,所以不太聪明。The Stegosaurus had a very small brain and was not smart.

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青扇缀化、翡翠殿、网刺球、寿、剑龙角。Decorated fan of Green, Jade Hall, gill net ball, life, stegosaurus angle.

其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有剑龙和禽龙。Other dinosaurs that lived at the same time were Stegosaurus and Iguanodon.

剑龙生活在恐龙时代的中期侏罗纪时代。Stegosaurus lived in the Jurassic period, the middle period of dinosaur history.

科学家们不知道剑龙背上的这些板状的骨头有什么用。Scientists do not know what the bony plates on the back of the Stegosaurus were for.

剑龙的背上有17块板状的骨头,在它尾巴的尖端还有着长刺。Stegosaurus had 17 bony plates on its back. It also had spikes on the end of its tail.

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剑龙走路时用4条腿。它们可能是群居生活。剑龙的脑袋非常小,所以不太聪明。Stegosaurus walked on 4 feet. They might have lived in groups. The Stegosaurus had a very small brain and was not smart.

最近,在纽约的美国自然历史博物馆,参观者还可在博物馆协助将生活在两亿年前的剑龙骨头化石一块一块地重新组合起来。At New Yorks American Museum of Natural History recently, you could have helped make bone-by-bone reproduction of the museum's stegosaurus , a beast that lived 200 million years ago.

钉状龙与剑龙属最主要的差别在于,剑龙属缺乏臀部与尾巴连接处附近的一对显著的尖刺。Kentrosaurus also differed from Stegosaurus in one other key feature — it lacked the pronounced spines on the backbone, near the hip and tail region, that characterize the vertebrae of a Stegosaurus.