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它的修辞如此平白流畅不带感情,仿佛不是修辞本身。Its rhetoric is so flat and unemotional, so overtly unrhetorical.

政治候选人有时候会狡猾的打种族牌,但是很少公开的这样。Political candidates sometimes slyly play the race card, but rarely overtly.

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温德汉姆还依照威尔斯的方式,在科幻小说中嵌入了直白的政治要素。Wyndham also follows Wells in embedding an overtly political aspect in his science fiction.

他们不喜欢遵循所有规章制度,但是他们不会公然反对。They do not like following all the rules and regulations, but they are not overtly rebellious.

那首〈北国之春〉总让你觉得滥情却难忍眼泪。"The Spring in Northern Country" was overtly sentimental, you thought, but still a tear-jerker.

或明或淡的灯光,如枫桥夜晚摇曳的灯火,我的思绪也是这般摇曳多姿。Overtly or pale light, flickering lights at night, such as maple, my thoughts are so glittering.

美国和欧盟的支持这些制度公开和秘密,因为他们所服务组织的资金。The U. S. and E. U. support these regimes overtly and covertly, because they serve organized capital.

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为了保证我们的GUI不会明显延伸为一个大窗口,我们需要使用“间距器”。To ensure that our GUI doesn't get overtly stretched across a large window, we need to use 'spacers'.

相对来说,轻工业是南方的代表产业,它比较乏味但就没那么危险。By comparison, the light industries that typify southern China are tedious but less overtly hazardous.

这会成为一个问题,因为美国选民通常希望政治人士公开自己的宗教信仰。And that could be a problem, because US voters generally like their politicians to be overtly religious.

这部影片差不多中英文各占一半,既非传统的文艺片,也非纯粹商业片。The film ─ about half in English and half in Chinese ─ is neither traditional art-house nor overtly commercial.

业内估计,沪上至少有20余家贷款中介或明或暗从事这一业务。Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business.

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尽管汤姆士有着20年宝马销售经验,但他坚持认为劳斯莱斯不能过于强调运动性。That said, despite more than 20 yearsspentselling BMWs, MrPurvesisadamantthatno Rolls- Royce should be overtly sporting.

遗憾的是,为了保住财政收入的增长,一些地方政府仍在明里暗里帮助开发商。Unfortunately, in order to maintain revenue growth, some local governments are overtly or covertly , to help developers.

公然以核武器武装自己的朝鲜同时也将推动日本越发巩固与美国的安全合作协定。A more overtly nuclear-armed North Korea would also bolster Japan's already increasingly close security pact with America.

别人都以为我花太多的时间,默默地,或者公开的,在那些无故崩溃或简单无用的哀伤上。Others have judged me too many times – silently or overtly – as somehow broken or useless for the simple act of being sad.

尽管这个群体有玩游戏的潜力,但他们更偏好那些并非明显面向玩家的体验。Although this group has plenty of gaming potential, they got on better with experiences that weren't overtly gamer-oriented.

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那也就是说,尽管卖宝马卖了20多年,佩福斯还是坚信劳斯莱斯的姿态不应该那么高。That said, despite more than 20 years spent selling BMWs, Mr Purves is adamant that no Rolls-Royce should be overtly sporting.

林雪卿喜欢在她的创作中展现过度女性化的观点,但是钟有辉的画作却是取材并集中于大自然。While Lin likes to present overtly female perspectives in her creations, Chung draws from, and focuses on, nature in his artwork.

我的妻子就遇到了一个公开的性别主义者,他甚至宣称他从来不会给任何一个女生比B更高的分数,即使他做得再好。My wife had an overtly sexist professor who would never give a female student a grade higher than a B, no matter how well she did.