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脚步欢跳时,长发不再起My hair no longer bounds to my foot’s glee

雀跃,也不再象姑娘们,在鬓发间。My hair no longer bounds to my foot's glee.

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她充满了少女的喜悦。She was filled to the brim with girlish glee.

她得知这消息高兴之至。She was in high glee when she learnt the news.

流浪汉跳起来,高兴地抓住那只羊。Up jumped the swagman and seized him with glee.

“你真幸运!”他兴高采烈地和马莎打招呼。Lucky for you! He greeted Martha with boisterous glee.

孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。The children laughed with glee at the clown 's antics.

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然后他把所有的食物从烟囱送出去。Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee.

谁料那巨兽欢快地吼叫着站起身来。To his surprise the beast rose up with a roar of glee.

他眼看著他们行将失败,快乐得直搓手。He rubbed his hand with glee at the prospect of their defeat.

他眼看著他们行将失败,快乐得直搓手。He rubbed his hands with glee at the prospect of their defeat.

阿姆斯特朗四下里打量着同学们,露出傻笑的侧影。Armstrong looked round at his classmates, silly glee in profile.

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风欢喜地带走了你脚踝上的叮当声。The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells.

高兴俱乐部的决定提出的清唱剧在其演奏。The Glee Club decided to present an oratorio during their recital.

1969年,耶鲁开始男女同校,欢乐合唱团也开始有了女团员。Yale went coed during his tenure – in 1969 – and so did the Glee Club.

利比亚外交部宣布胜利,喜悦之情是可以理解的。Libya's foreign ministry declared victory. Its glee was understandable.

亦或画眉在破晓时分的欢欣,盛于薄暮时的歌唱?Or doth the throstle sing with more glee , At daybreak than a twilight?

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看着可爱的白日渐渐降临,一种庄严的欢乐充斥着我的心。A solemn glee possessed my mind at this gradual and lovely coming in of day.

迈达斯在他的宫殿里转来转去,兴高采烈地把他能碰到的东西都变成黄金。King Midas then went round his palace and in glee turned all he could to gold.

罗得舍天使指示的山上不去,坚持要逃往又小又近的琐珥城,这点也显出他世俗的心。Then, his insistence to glee to the small city of Zoar , he was worldly-minded.