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敲诈者会变成杀人犯吗?Will a Blackmailer Turn to Murder?

可恨的是罪恶而非功臣。Hate the sin but not the blackmailer.

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只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous.

敲诈者从受害人身上榨取了大量金钱。The blackmailer milked his victims of huge amounts of money.

你这该死的讹诈者,我倒很想请你把底牌亮出来看看呢。You're a damned blackmailer . I've a good mind to call your bluff.

得花些钱疏通那个敲诈者,否则他会毁坏你的声誉。The blackmailer will have to be bought off, or he'll ruin your good name.

敲诈犯警告被敲诈的人说,如果他报警,会后悔的。The blackmailer warned his victim that if he went to the police he would regret it.

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当这个勒索者看到他的受害者那麽害怕时,变得有足够的勇气加倍了他的需索。The blackmailer became bold enough to double his demands when he saw how terrified his victim was.

当你付钱给勒索者时,她拿走你的钱,但你得到的只是她不去揭露的承诺。When you pay off a blackmailer , she gets your money, but all you get is her word not to disclose.

一个勒索者承诺如果受害人不给钱就会揭露令他为难的信息。A blackmailer promises to disclose embarrassing information about his victim if the victim doesn't pay.

一个专业的勒索者不会想让未来的受害人相信她曾经泄露过以前的受害人的信息。A professional blackmailer would not want future victims to believe that she has betrayed past customers.

勒索是犯法的,那怕勒索者完全拥有揭露这些令人为难的信息的合法权力。Blackmail is illegal, even if the blackmailer has the complete legal right to reveal the embarrassing information.

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在勒索者的一生中都付钱给她,你就使她变得专业并因此令她变得诚实。By paying the blackmailer throughout her life, you turn her into a professional and consequently make it in her interest to be honest.

如果你的勒索者计划再玩一次她的游戏,那么就如绑匪一样,她要有一个提高诚信的动机。If your blackmailer plans on playing her games again, then, as with kidnappers, she has an incentive to develop a reputation for honesty.

如果勒索者想要连续得到收入,那么她可能相当坏地去揭露这些信息。If the blackmailer expects to get a continuous stream of income, then she would be made considerably worse off by disclosing the information.

如果你的勒索者恨你且可能乐意看到你遭受痛苦,那么她可能不管你是否付给她钱就会揭露这些信息。If your blackmailer hated you and would enjoy seeing you suffer, then she would disclose the information regardless of whether you pay her off.

一个专业的勒索者想要人们知道在过去她仅在没有得到她想要的东西的情况下才揭露了她的信息。A professional blackmailer would want people to know that in the past she disclosed her information if, but only if, her extortion demands were not met.

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勒索的犯罪判罚提供了勒索者不揭露的动机,但这个动机受你是否会付给她钱相同的影响。The criminality of blackmail provides an incentive for the blackmailer not to disclose, but this incentive exists with equal force whether or not you pay her off.