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玛丽依偎著母亲,断断续续地打瞌睡。Mary nestled up against her mother and dozed fitfully.

时间过得断断续续,那晚我时醒时睡,当我醒着时就思考和祈祷。The hours passed fitfully , as I lay awake thinking and praying.

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随着德军后退,铁路通道断断续续被重建。Rail links were fitfully restored as the German army was pushed back.

他昨晚只有断断续续的睡,因为他得照顾宝宝。He just slept fitfully last night because he has to take care of the baby.

耶赞的高烧真的是“高烧”,不时的他会在自己的秽物里抽动一下。Yezzan was burning with fever squirming fitfully in a pool of his own excrement.

有时候睡得不安稳。今天早上我觉得很不舒服,以至于我起不来床。A little fitfully sometimes. This morning I felt too sick to even get out of bed.

然而,在所有情况下,由于资助有限,研究工作都是停停打打的。In all cases, however, the work is proceeding fitfully as a result of very limited funding.

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比如,睡眠不稳的妇女体重更易超重,但对男性则不关紧要。For example, sleeping fitfully was associated with greater body weight in women but not in men.

任何众生观众将能够预测每一位可笑,断断续续地享受电影块状的转折。Any sentient viewer will be able to predict every lumpy twist of this ludicrous, fitfully enjoyable movie.

研究人员承认这可能会让新妈妈们为难,婴儿的睡眠是断断续续的。The researchers acknowledged this may pose a dilemma to new mothers, given that infants sleep so fitfully.

此外,利用权重渐进与分群方式,更能够推荐使用者喜好的音乐。What is more, it also shows that using IMW and classification model can recommend fitfully music what users like.

大多数早晨,当大卫醒来时,多半发现我在他床边的地板上间断地睡着觉,缩在堆浴室毛巾上,像一条狗。Most mornings, David would wake to find me sleeping fitfully on the floor beside his bed, huddled on a pile of bathroom towels, like a dog.

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观众中夹杂着背枪的民兵,有的还上了刺刀,刀锋在汽灯照耀下闪着寒光。Here and there in the audience one could see militiamen with rifles, some of them equipped with bayonets which glinted fitfully in the light.

因为有只猫在抓门或者你忍不住要上厕所,你在凌晨醒来,然后在床上翻来覆去三个时间才在夜里余下的时间断断续续地睡去。You wake in the wee hours because the cat's scratching at the door or you have to use the bathroom, then you toss and turn for three hours before dozing fitfully the rest of the night.

失眠是一种持续相当时间的睡眠的质或量的令人不满意的症状,入睡困难、睡眠中断易醒和早醒是失眠患者最常见的症状。Insomnia is a sleep sustained considerable time unsatisfactory quality or quantity of symptoms, difficulty falling asleep, and sleep fitfully and wake up early is the most common symptoms of insomnia.