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模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴。To inhabit or hide in a den.

酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid.

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类人猿住在热带森林里。The anthropoids inhabit in the tropical forests.

我们居住在用这种方法创造的一个水泡中。We inhabit the bubble that's created in that way.

只有少数一些人住在那座小村庄里。Only a handful of people inhabit that small village.

我要说的鬼魂住在莱因斯特的H村。My ghosts inhabit the village of H-----, in Leinster.

STARPOWER具有很强的防锈防腐功能。STARPOWER has great rust and corrosion inhabit properties.

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东北虎是典型的林栖动物。The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal.

尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名。The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters.

吸血钩虫寄生在全世界7亿人的身体内。Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide.

栖息于礁石平台以及舄湖浅滩与临海礁石。Inhabit reef flats as well as shallow lagoon and seaward reefs.

因为我属水,性喜潮湿和星空。For I am water by nature, and inhabit in wetland and starry sky.

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由于我们都居住在同一个星球上,一切众生都是地球的公民。Since we all inhabit the earth, all of us are considered earthlings.

为了全面地进入到胡佛这个角色里,迪卡普里奥做了数月的调研。Mr. DiCaprio did months of research to be able to inhabit Hoover fully.

黑长尾猴,也称为绿猴,栖息在撒哈拉沙漠以南的大部分地区。Also known as green monkeys, vervets inhabit much of sub-Saharan Africa.

柬埔寨许多人比较迷信,信奉万物有灵论,认为有生命的物体与无生命的物体都是有灵魂的。Animism is the belief that spirits can inhabit living and inanimate objects.

其他田间管理措施对抑制黄曲霉繁殖没有明显效果。Otherfield management measures did not show significant effect to inhabit A.

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它们在各大洲都有分布,从冰冻的南极洲到灼热的澳洲,概莫能外。They inhabit all the continents from frosty Antarctica to burning Australia.

当地人居住在这片土地,希腊人对那里并不感兴趣The natives Sicilians inhabit that territory and the Greeks are not interested.

例如,这些作物对人类和居住在地球的其他物种安全吗?For example, are these crops safe to humans and other species that inhabit Earth?