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黄忠廉是中国第一位把变译理论系统化的学者。Scholar Huang Zhonglian is the first person in china to systemize shift theory.

在中国,制度化的司法解释对法律的正确适用意义重大。It is very important to systemize the judicial interpretation when apply in law.

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在这部分论述,在刑法上如何使定罪完善和如何使定罪论体系化。In this part, I elaborate how to consummate Conviction in criminal law and how to systemize Condemnation.

该系统可提供数据管理、数据查询和检索、数据处理、数据库维护、报表并系统化复合材料的设计。The functions of the database system include management , inquire and systemize the design of the composite.

在翻译领域使用“联想链”这一术语,有益于将繁杂的文化现象系统化。Using the term of association chain in translation, we may systemize the related complex cultural phenomena.

笔者本文将整理这些争论,并回顾东汉末年到唐代「村」研究的概况。I will systemize these focuses and retrospect the study of cun from the edn of eastern Han dyansty to Tang dyansty.

活动形式上呈现出较高的组织化特征,有着较为规范的组织和管理。The movable form present a higher systemize a characteristic, have to compare for the norm of organization and management.

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发展环境和谐企业文化,是促使环境文化实现整体化、连续化、全面化、系统化的关键。Developing a harmonious corporate culture environment is the key to realize integration, continuity, all-side and systemize.

实证表明改进方法有助于综合评价指标系统化和权重确定合理化。The empirical test shows that the improved method is helpful to systemize the appraisal index and find reasonable index weights.

当前应当建立高等职业院校科研工作规范,使其制度化、科学化。At present we should establish the criterion for scientific research work in high vocational college and furthermore make it systemize.

理查德从我们如何定义色彩的一些观点出发,阐述了过去各种各样使色彩系统化的方法。Beginning with some thoughts on how we define the concept of color, Richard explains various methods people in history have used to systemize color.

组织收集整理国内外最新设计信息和理念,指导设计人员不断创新,保证公司设计水平的领先地位。Collect and systemize the most recent design information and concept. Guide team member to improve themselves and help company to be leading position in the market.

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建立健全教师业务档案要确定归档范围并明确立档方法,使之制度化、规范化。To establish and improve teacher' s working archives it is necessary to define the scope of filing and the method of filing and to systemize and standardize filing.

任何一种文化形态一旦进入教育系统,就会以教育自身的规律将其整归重组并将其系统化,因此教育有着不可估量的作用。Once entering into the educational system, any cultural form would dajust and reconstruct its own rules and systemize it. So education stands an important role here.

欧美文学,外加拉丁,都不成体系,只不过要数俄苏文学最为熟悉。The Europe and America literature as well the Latin for us, all did not form systemize. Merely the Russian and Soviet Union’s literature have been familiar to the utmost.

健全重大决策征求民主党派和无党派人士意见的规则与程序,使之制度化、规范化。It will complete, and systemize and standardize, the rules and procedures on soliciting for the opinions of the democratic parties and the personages without partisan affiliation.

第一条为使公司班组管理制度化、规范化,适应企业生产经营需要,满足企业管理不断进步的要求,特制定本条例。Article 1 This rule is set up in order to systemize and standardize the management of teams of the company to adapt to the operational requirements of the production of the enterprise.

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也正是在这种背景下,多方人士呼吁政府尽快出台法律法规,将物流业规范化、法制化。It is under such circumstances that sources from various circles urge the Government to unveil laws and regu-Iations as soon as possible to legalize and systemize the logistics industry.

地方政府公共事业管理绩效评价机制的制度安排,是地方政府公共事业管理绩效评价制度化、规范化的内在要求。The institution construction of evaluation mechanism is the inevitable need to systemize and standardize the evaluation of the local government's performance in public business administration.

在分别加入严谨自律性、外倾支配性和善性、神经质等四个人格特质后,对组织承诺的三个构面都显著的增加变异数的解释力。When acceded to the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, three aspects of systemize commitment has apparent additive explanatory effect on the variables.