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犁耕过地面。The plough sliced the land.

农民给犁套上了牲口。The farmer yoked his plough.

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现在用的比较现代的犁田机。Plough. It is out of use now.

他用轭把牛套上犁。He yoked the oxen to the plough.

男耕女织,日出而作,日落而息。The men plough and the women weave.

用你们的铁铲、锄把、铧犁。With plough and spade, and hoe and loom.

那片地是用翻的。他用轭把牛连接于犁。The soil had been turned up by the plough.

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每个农民都知道怎样把牛拴在一起。The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.

农民犁田只能一块一块地犁。Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot.

传教士要伐树、犁田。The preacher had to fell trees and plough fields.

在你播种之前你必须要犁地。You have to plough fields before you plant seeds.

大象不可用来为棉花田耕种。Elephants may not be used to plough cotton fields.

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农民耕田播种,瞩望于收获。Farmers plough and sow in prospect of the harvest.

耕层浅薄,障碍因素较多。Plough layer is thin with much hindering elements.

他被遣送到地球,帮助人类犁耕。He was sent down to earth to help men at the plough.

犁穿过田地时挖出了一道道的犁沟。The plough dug a series of furrows across the field.

你准备好了结束你的犁式滑行和犁式转弯了吗?Are you ready to end your wedge and now plough turns?

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但是地里旱得厉害,他甚至都没办法耕田。But the field is so dry that he can’t even plough it.

本实用新型涉及旋耕犁。The utility model relates to a rotary tillage plough.

两头牛被轭套在一起用于耕犁。A pair of oxen, yoked together was used in the plough.