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80年代的前五年,杠杆收购的交易量增加了五倍。In the first half of the 1980s, LBO transactions increased sixfold.

这也意味着自2001年以来该项基金增加了六倍以上。That represents a more than sixfold increase in funding since 2001.

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录取学生数达到约1900万,是十年前的六倍。Close to 19 million students are enrolled, a sixfold jump in one decade.

根据中国官方数据,自1990年以来,农民收入已经增长了六倍。Rural incomes have risen sixfold since 1990, according to official Chinese data.

然而几何学告诉我们,只有二次、三次、四次和六次的旋转对称是能够存在的形式。That is impossible. Geometry dictates that only two-, three-, four- and sixfold rotational symmetry can exist.

中国制造商的份额从2004年至2008年增长6倍,占领了全球超过三分之一的市场。Chinese manufacturers’ share grew sixfold from 2004 to 2008, capturing more than one-third of the global market.

格拉斯哥大学的研究者发现,不同浓缩咖啡中的咖啡因含量存在6倍的差距。In their study, Glasgow University researchers found a sixfold difference in caffeine quantities in cups of espresso.

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在世界最大的在线钻石产品销售商蓝色尼罗河公司,移动销售收入本月已经比一年前的同期增长了六倍。At Blue Nile, the diamond and jewelry e-commerce site, mobile revenue is up sixfold this month from the period a year ago.

过去的12年里他拥有了线框和钩子制造厂,格林布拉特增加了两倍的人数,同时增加了6倍的收入。In the 12 years he's owned the wire basket and hook maker, Greenblatt has doubled head count while increasing revenue sixfold.

中国的城市化把数百万农田变为工厂,也是油价在过去10年上涨6倍的一大原因。China's urbanisation, shifting millions of farmhands into factories, is a big reason why the oil price has risen sixfold over the past 10 years.

在中国北方,过去20年来由于人口增长和牲畜数量增加,沙尘暴数量增长了6倍。Dust storms have increased sixfold over the past twenty years in northern China because of population growth and increasing numbers of livestock.

用多极方法数值研究构成六重对称全内反射型光子晶体光纤各种结构参数对基模零色散点的调节。Zero dispersion point adjusted by structural parameters of TIR-PCF with sixfold rotation symmetry is studied numerically with a multipole method.

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然而,上周的卫星图像显示,三月和四月间森林砍伐的面积,与去年同期相比增加了差不多六成。However, last week satellite images showed that deforestation had increased nearly sixfold in March and April compared with the same period last year.

在此期间,日本央行购买政府债券和其他资产,将商业银行的存款准备金提高了六倍,同时利率一直保持在接近零点。In that time the BoJ bought government bonds and other assets and raised commercial banks' reserve accounts sixfold. Interest rates stayed close to zero.

最新数据显示,自从内斯托尔和克里斯蒂娜于2003年上台以来,他们自己的财富增长了6倍,令人侧目。New figures show that since Nestor and Cristina Kirchner came to power in 2003, they have presided over a remarkable sixfold increase in their own wealth.

在过去的50年里,日本酒精消费量增长了五倍,酒精上瘾者越来越多,但这个问题却没有得到应有的重视。As liquor consumption grew sixfold over the last 50 years in Japan to match its economic affluence, alcoholism became a growing but poorly grasped problem.

这三种养份提高了农作物的产量,20世纪的世界人口因此成长了六倍以上,但它们的来源是什麽?In the 20th century the three nutrients enabled agriculture to increase its productivity and the world's population to grow more than sixfold. But what is their source?

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“儒史合一”的形态源自孔子的史家传统,是章学诚“六经皆史”的继承和发展。"The Unison of History and Confucianism " is derived from the Confucian tradition of historians and is the succession and development of"the sixfold canon is all history"of Hsueh-cheng Chang.