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我们都知道他性格内向的话题。We all know the subject of his introversion.

花药内向或外向,纵裂或孔开。Antheral introversion or extroversion , slit or aperture leave.

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从内向性和外向性的区别开始。It begins with the distinction between introversion and extroversion.

在工作时,强烈的内向是一种精力外向的保证。In work, a strong introversion is a guarantee of energetic extroversion.

我的性格是属于内向外向都各半!My character is to belong to introversion extroversion all fifty-fifty !

中向性格一种包括内向和外向的性格特征。A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.

我一直不断尝试让自己变得更加外向,但是内向的人也有自己的优点。I’ve been promoting the side of being an extrovert, but there are benefits to introversion.

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实际上有两条完全不同的处世态度,即内向性和外向性。There are two main attitudes which differ fundamentally, namely introversion and extraversion.

这就是我,一个内向又喜欢朗诵的人,希望大家喜欢我,谢谢。This is I , an introversion likes the human who recites, hoped that everybody likes me, thanks.

她认为,连同将自己算在一块的内向的人们通常认为内向,怎么说呢,有点古怪。She observes that introverts, among whom she counts herself, usually assume that introversion is, well, kind of weird.

但是和其他很多人一样,霍尔特把哈桑少校形容为沉默内向的人,没有几个朋友。But like many others, Mr. Holt described Major Hasan as having few friends and being quiet to the point of introversion.

“向内,凝视”将以康海涛对艺术的执着和热爱,带领我们走进一片宁静的夜色世界。On 20th March, "Introversion and Meditation" will show you a peaceful world of night by Kang Haitao's passion and pursuit of art.

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其内容包括对情感过滤假设、态度、外向与内向性格及焦虑的分析。The content includes the analyses of the affective filter hypothesis, attitudes, extroversion and introversion as well as anxiety.

结论遗尿症儿童个性特征倾向于内向性,有忧虑、抑郁及自卑感,生活质量受到明显损害。Conclusion Children with nocturnal enuresis have Personality characteristics of introversion and their quality of life is impaired.

大,其中以内侧胆骨平台最明显,复合体中心和外侧易受损伤,内翻10”-14”可能为内翻应力开始破坏和截骨预防并发症的临界角度。Introversion from 10 to 14 degree is possible critical angel of the beginning of damage and the precaution of complication after osteotomy.

他将模仿说贬为复制现实和无创造性,提倡文学的内向化,标举“心灵之诗”。He considers mimesis as copy of reality and uncreative, maintains the introversion of the literature, and stands for the lyric of the inner world.

艾森克人格量表包括病理人格、内外向、情绪稳定性、效度4个分量表。The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire included pathology personality, introversion and extroversion, emotion stability, and validity, 4 sub-scales.

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在亚洲越来越占主导地位的世界里,北欧不过是一股边缘化的全球力量,这也许是其最近更专注内部事务的原因。In a world dominated increasingly by Asia, northern Europe cannot be anything more than a peripheral global power, which may explain its new introversion.

孩子在本学期中,能积极完成学校各科学习,性格乖巧内向,对事物的认识有了自己的初步的见解。The children in this semester, able to complete school learning, clever introversion character, understanding of things have their own preliminary opinions.

公家对学术外向的愤怒,可能会导致其耗损一些独立性,而这正是自在社会学者最贵重的权利。Public exor neterine with informuponive introversion may lead to a loss of some independence- the most precious right of informuponives in a cost-free society.