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没有不名誉或犯罪行为的记录的。Having no marks of discredit or offense.

有充分的理由怀疑此证人。There was good reason to discredit the witness.

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他们尽力败坏那政客的声誉。They made an effort to discredit the politician.

这是政府惯用的手法来抹黑极权主义。Itwas used by the government to discredit totalitarianism in general.

当然,佩林一家和佩林的支持者都想抹黑他。Of course, the Palins and Palin supporters would like to discredit him.

欧盟各方随即做出强烈反应,异常罕见地群起而攻之。EU parties to immediately react strongly, to discredit a rare exception.

检察官怀疑自己的主要证人,这是史无前例的。It is unprecedented for prosecutors to discredit their own star witness.

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他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策名声扫地。He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies.

人们通常利用一个稻草人作为一个他们不支持的理论的代言人。People may use a straw man to discredit theories to which they do not subscribe.

光明会一开始试图利用针对他的猥亵儿童的指控来诋毁他。The Illuminati initially attempted to discredit him through child molestation charges.

吴敬琏称间谍谣言的发布者受雇于他的批评者,乃企图侮辱他的卑劣行径。Mr. Wu says the spy rumors were “dirty tricks” employed by his critics to discredit him.

这样贫乏的定义甚至比货币主义者们的描述更值得怀疑。This impoverishing definition is even easier to discredit than the monetarist description.

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此前,伊朗当局就曾用这些手段损害反对派的尊严和名誉。The Iranian authorities have used this technique before to humiliate and discredit opponents.

乡村干部的违纪违法现象败坏了党在群众中的形象。The violation of the law and discipline by rural cadres discredit party's image among masses.

奥巴马的这一背景本来是很容易被对手抹黑与利用的,结果没有出现这种情况。Obama's background is very easy to discredit opponents and the use of the result, not the case.

打开天窗说亮话,谈到这个问题会很容易为那些想要抹黑科学的人引来集中炮轰。Talking up of the problem then gives easy ammunition to those who wish to discredit the science.

自此,邯郸一带,便留下了新郎娶媳妇抹黑脸的风俗。Since then, the Handan area, it left a groom to marry the daughter-in-law to discredit custom face.

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这个秘书拷问我的诚实,指责我的动机,意欲在公众面前败坏我的名誉。The Secretary's letter questions my veracity, impugns my motives, and tends to publicly discredit me.

不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。A few products, to be sure, are problematic, but they also discredit most first-rate, yet cheap goods.

试图质疑保护我们自己的必要死亡法律法规的做法只是在转移视线。That's a red herring to try to discredit necessary rules and regs established to protect us from ourselves.