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伯顿希望如此。Burton hopes so.

你喜欢蒂姆•波顿吗?Do you like Tim Burton?

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伯顿呷了一口杜松子香槟酒。Burton sipped his gin fizz.

你为什么喜欢蒂姆·伯顿?Why do you like Tim Burton?

然后我问了伯顿一个问题。Then I asked Burton a question.

这家公司属于博顿集团。The company belongs to the Burton Group.

伯顿暂停讲述故事,转向我。Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.

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泰勒和伯顿结了2次婚。Taylor and Burton would end up marrying -- twice.

那儿有导演蒂姆•波顿的展览。There was the Tim Burton exhibit who was a director.

理查怨正在1984年生于脑溢血,生时58岁。Burton died in 1984 of a brain hemorrhage. He was 58.

在她的工作室工作,对伯顿中的Clerkenwell?As for Burton working away in her studio in Clerkenwell?

1984年伯顿死于脑溢血。Burton died of a brain hemorrhage in Switzerland in 1984.

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后来有一天,伯顿带来一只京巴犬,给它起名叫“伊恩索”。Then one day Burton showed up with a Pekingese, named E'en So.

伯顿总是随身带着的厚厚的,口袋大小的速写本。Burton always carries his dense, pocket-size sketchbook with him.

尽管伯顿的办公室在神户,但他常驻来横滨。Though his offices were in Kobe, Burton often came down to Yokohama.

我的意思是说,那里有我最喜欢的蒂姆•波顿的作品展。I mean, my favorite exhibit I ever saw, there was the Tim Burton one.

提摩太.威廉.波顿出生于洛杉矶伯班克的郊区。Timothy William Burton was born in the Los Angeles suburb of Burbank.

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蒂姆伯顿电影里,艾里克鲍德温坑坑洼洼的脸上就是鼻子灰常突出。Alec Baldwin's snout-stretched scare face from the Tim Burton haunter.

起先,除了柏顿先生之外,诺拉喜欢所有的老师。At first, Nora liked all her teachers with the exception of Mr. Burton.

我想,我对伯顿印象最深之处主要还是这个人的和善。I think the chief thing that struck me about Burton was his kindliness.