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我船始发港是伦敦。My departure was London.

查询起飞时间。Asking for departure time.

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他的离去出人意外。His departure was unexpected.

敬辞您的离店日子是哪天?。May Iknow you departure date?

请问登机门在哪里?Where are the departure gates?

我们要把出发的时间定死。We should fix our departure time.

请勿使用老粮仓离场程序。Don't use LLG departure procedure.

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神甫快走了。The priest will take his departure.

他无法面对最后的诀别。He could not face a final departure.

请告诉我起飞时间,好吗?Will you tell me the departure time?

行期已近。The date of departure is drawing near.

我离开之前谢过了那儿所有的人。I thanked them all before my departure.

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我想确认起飞时间。I'd like to confirm the departure time.

行期未卜。The date of departure remains undecided.

寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。The cold weather antedated their departure.

你能告诉我出发的时间吗?Could you please tell me the departure time?

为出发的朝觐者念宣礼词。Giving Adhan upon departure of the pilgrims.

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我在什么时间到登机门?What time should I be at the departure gate?

典范类型担任一个出发点。Canonic types served as a point of departure.

起飞时间有没有什么变化?Is there any change of the time of departure?