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但是我还认识他!But I recognize him!

我认得那家商店。I recognize the shop.

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难道你不认识我了吗?Don'tyou recognize me?

我听得出她的嗓子!I recognize her voice.

我几乎不认得她了!I barely recognize her!

我认出来了,你呢?I recognize it. Do you?

你如何将其识别?How do you recognize it?

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抗体是怎样识别抗原的呢How do they recognize it?

我们必须认识到这一点。We have to recognize this.

您认清我了吧?Do you recognize me at all?

我能认您做妈妈吗?I do recognize your mother?

现在谁还能认出他来呢?Who would recognize him now?

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是的。你认不得我吗?Yes. Can't you recognize me?

我们需要承认这一点。So we need to recognize that.

是的,我认出了查拉图斯特拉。Yes, I recognize Zarathustra.

你认得这些吗?Do you recognize any of these?

你应该看出了这里的暗示。You may recognize the allusion.

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所有这些我都认为是爱。All of this I recognize as love.

你认得出窃车者吗?Can you recognize the car thief?

我一下子都认不得他了。I did not recognize him at once.