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期刊是我编辑的。I edit the newsletter.

免费通迅。现在就报名!FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

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替换原先枯燥乏味的新闻邮件。To Replace the Boring Old Newsletter.

人们可以订阅的电子报。People can subscribe for the newsletter.

感谢你订阅我们的通迅。Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

今天就不妨注册好睡眠通讯!Sign-up for the Sleeping Well newsletter today!

你看到公司简报里那些工作广告了吗?Did you see those job ads in the company newsletter?

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你可以使用Twitter作为它的追随者,以得到它的业务通讯。You can follow him on Twitter and get his newsletter.

我上星期在国米网站上看了关于你的报道。Tugce I read about you in the weekly Inter newsletter.

注册系统和通讯4.A订阅电子报发送能力。A newsletter sign up system and newsletter sending capability.

他开设有有关于创新和执行力的博客和实时通讯。He writes a blog and a newsletter on innovation and execution.

会员资料,可搜索的数据库,新闻,通讯。Membership information, searchable database, News, Newsletter.

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为了收到子玉的最新消息,在下方订阅她的通讯!For the latest news on Ember, subscribe to her newsletter below!

或者在下一次办公桌上收到公司新闻稿时阅读该新闻稿。Or read the company newsletter the next time it lands on your desk.

这新的模型在流量-3D立体的时事通讯的一个文章中被复盖。This new model was covered in an article in the FLOW-3D Newsletter.

你希望以什麽方式收到「中小企业邮务协进会」会员通讯?Q2. How would you prefer to receive "PostalPlus for SME" Newsletter?

这新的模型在流量-3D立体的时事通讯的一个文章中被扮演重要角色。This new model was featured in an article in the FLOW-3D Newsletter.

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关注你感兴趣的行业,定期写一份新闻通讯,或是写一个相关的博客。Write a regular newsletter or blog about an industry you care about.

发布简讯,帮助人们了解你们开展的工作及其意义。Publish a newsletter that helps people understand what you do and why.

此通讯由中银国际英国保诚资产管理有限公司出版。This Newsletter is issued by BOCI-Prudential Asset Management Limited.