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修改上下文根。Modification of context root.

请试著从上下文猜测字义。Try to guess from the context.

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但是这是个不同的环境。But this is a different context.

重新组合或上下文更改。Recomposition or context change.

第二——背景是全部。Secondly, context is everything.

但是为什么要忽略上下文呢?But why would you ignore context?

重新组合或上下文更改。Re-composition or context change.

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它们也缺乏足够的上下文。They lack adequate context as well.

别断章取义地引用我的话。Don't quote my words out of context.

在有意义的情境或上下文中说这个音。Say the sound in meaningful context.

创建和使用共享的上下文。Creation and usage of shared context.

生命的脉络才历历可见。In the context of life takes visible.

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使用右键选单来控制控制埠。Use context menu to control the port.

结合上下文,如何理解这个词?What does the word do in the context?

你得结合言语环境来学习字词。You must learn words from the context.

提供特定于任务的流和上下文Provide task-specific flows and context

答案取决于领域的上下文。It depends on the context of the domain.

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这就是你们得到的语境。Thats what you got provided the context.

这实际上取决于项目环境。It really depends on the project context.

但红色的影响有赖于环境的改变。But the red effect depends on the context.