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对于呢地事我都几内疚架。For that, I felt so regretful.

对于遗憾来说这是一个好消息。That's good news for the regretful.

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我后悔我所做的一切。I feel regretful for what I've done.

可以想像他是多么懊悔。One can imagine how regretful he was.

我真后悔不该有那个歪主意呀!I'm so regretful to have that bad idea!

否则我以后会更加后悔。Otherwise I will be more regretful later.

我们应该在失去前都不后悔。We should never be regretful until losing.

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大家可千万别错过了,不然报憾终身啊!Do not miss it, or you'll be regretful for life.

说来遗憾,他荒废了宝贵的时光。Regretful to say, he had dawdled away his golden time.

帖子签名英雄。愿你有一份不悔的爱情。My hero, I hope you have a love that is never regretful.

这些后悔的父母往往不能感受到家庭快乐。Regretful parents are usually closed to family happiness.

我就是觉得后悔啊。I just feel regretful. You know, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong.

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他很后悔当时一时冲动就跑上去打了她。He was regretful that he ran up to hit her impulsively at that time.

郭老师,得知你将不上我们的英语课了,觉得好遗憾啊。Miss Guo, knew you couldn't teach us English, I feel very regretful.

很遗憾我们的供货价未能达到您的期望。We feel regretful that our price of goods is not up to your expectation.

原子弹之父,他对自己带领人类进入核武器时代后悔不已。The father of the atomic bomb and the regretful midwife of the nuclear era.

这就是我的生活方式,让我活得爽滑、有范儿。如果你问我有没有后悔过,我会说,时间,这样过去就很好。If you ask me whether being regretful or not, I'll say, what a life passing by.

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别再那样无休止地数落她了,难道你看不出她有多后悔吗?Why don't you stop jawing at her like that? Can't you see how regretful she is?

徐认为,她绑住刘下来,反复问他,你是否有后悔?Xu felt that she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him, 'Are you regretful?

上了车后,我们马上出发到我们的饭店。导游还一路嚷着说这两天我们住的旅馆属六星级的!I'm starting to be regretful of not trying for any cabin crew interviews till now.