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他尚未满师。He is not yet out of his apprenticeship.

他曾跟一个裁缝当过学徒。He served his apprenticeship with a tailor.

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他开始当批发商人的学徒。He began an apprenticeship as wholesale trader.

要知世事奥秘多,须要长期作学徒。There needs a long apprenticeship to understand

他于2008年离开学校并开始成为一名学徒。He left the school in 2008 and had started an apprenticeship.

差不多每一个实习岗位就有两个人申请。There are nearly two applicants for every apprenticeship offered.

本杰明是丝绸染匠,在伦敦拜师受业。Benjamin was bred a silk dyer, serving an apprenticeship at London.

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我就是这样度过了写歌的学徒时代。This is how I served my apprenticeship in the composition of songs.

结束了工具匠的学徒期以后,他当上了经理。After serving his apprenticeship as a toolmaker, he became a manager.

他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击教练员。He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch.

于是,他转去了一个学徒计划,以便未来成为一名电工。So he transferred into an apprenticeship program to become an electrician.

其中第一篇小说「夜晚海洋之旅」在许多层面上都可视为是一篇后现代戏拟。First, it is a parody of one kind of Realist Novel, the apprenticeship novel.

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在学校出现以前,学徒制曾是最普遍的学习方式。Before schools appeared, apprenticeship was the most common means of learning.

他出生在香港一个贫穷的家庭,很小就被送到戏班做学徒。He was born in Hongkong to a poor family, was sent to the troupe apprenticeship.

谈谈,也许这事情会办妥的。我开始在您家里学习老处女的行当。It shall be on your family's behalf that I'll start my apprenticeship as old maid.

如果可能的话,给经验丰富的成功荧幕剧作家当学徒。Seek an apprenticeship under an experienced and successful screenwriter, if possible.

他已经完成了他的学徒生涯并结束了最基本的训练要求。He’d already served his apprenticeship and completed the required elementary training.

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对绘画的兴趣使他在海牙的古比尔画店开始了学徒生涯。The interest led to an apprenticeship in an art dealer's firm, Groupil's, in the Hague.

对于大多数公司而言,此承诺适用于面向见习生和毕业生的所有新岗位。For most firms the pledge will apply to all new jobs at an apprenticeship or graduate level.

不论是现代学徒制或学校职业教育,其核心都是课程问题。The essence of both modern apprenticeship and vocational education in school is"curriculum".