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现在他要把嘴里的钩吐出来。But he would disgorge the bait now.

他们劝他吐出不见的文件。They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents.

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士兵被迫交出抢劫的珠宝。The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered.

大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.

我们迫使侵略者把侵吞的土地交还出来。We forced the aggressors to disgorge the land they have swallowed.

它们追赶别的鸟儿,强迫它们吐出抓到的鱼。They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.

不愿吐出窃来的钱,这个贪污犯想逃走。Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen the embezzler tried to run away.

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然后将瓶的颈部冻结并拔去瓶口的软木塞除去聚集的沉淀物。The necks of the bottles are then frozen and the corks removed to disgorge the accumulated sediments.

如果捕食对象过大,这种青蛙可能会把它吐出来,再等下一餐。If the prey item is too big, the frog can simply disgorge its stomach and wait it out for the next meal.

可我毕竟也不能把吃到嘴里的东西再心甘情愿地吐出来吧!"The damned priest just wants to frighten me, " she cursed. "How can Iwillingly disgorge something I should eat! "

在Nagapattinam的Akraipettai临时水产登陆中心,刚刚返航的渔船正卸掉满船一大早捕来的鱼。At the temporary fish landing center at Akraipettai in Nagapattinam, boats just in after the morning’s catch disgorge bellyfuls of fish.

“我有时候认为需要提醒薪酬委员会和投资银行资深高管认清这个事实,他们才能吐出那些巨额奖金,”他说。"I sometimes think that remuneration committees and senior investment banking executives need to be reminded of this reality before they disgorge huge bonuses, " he said.

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孟菲斯市位于一个著名的断层带上,每隔一段时间,大地就会发出一阵轰隆,仿佛地球想要吐出它未能完全吸收的历史。The city of Memphis sits on a famous fault line, and the ground periodically emits rumblings as if the earth might be trying to disgorge a past it had not entirely digested.

假如支撑西南极洲冰盖的沿岸冰架持续解体,那么冰盖就会泄入海洋,百年之内海平面便将上升数米。If coastal ice shelves buttressing the west Antarctic ice sheet continue to disintegrate, the sheet could disgorge into the ocean, raising sea levels by several metres in a century.

股利代理成本理论认为,较高的股利支付水平可以迫使经理人“吐出”自由现金流,从而降低企业自由现金流代理成本。In line with theory on agency cost of dividend, a high rate of dividend payment could make the manager disgorge extra free cash flow , thus reducing the agency cost of free cash flow.

地方党政官员害怕某家大型国企的倒闭会让愤怒的、失去饭碗的农民涌上街头,因此,他们向国有银行施压,要求它们持续为企业贷款,以保住工作机会。Fearful that a large state company may fail and disgorge angry, unemployed peasants onto the streets, local party officials pressure state banks to keep the credit flowing and spare the jobs.