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与此同时,在没有暖气的书房里,我只能就着一杯茶取暖。Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.

如果这些食品被接受,接下来则是给予未加热的牛奶。If these were tolerated, the subject was then given unheated milk.

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珊珊独自睡在两间从畜圈改过来的房子里。Shan sleeps alone in two unheated rooms converted from a small barn.

他们还殴打他,将他关在一个没有暖气的小房间里,让他自生自灭。They beat him, locked him in a small unheated room, and left him there to die.

可加入不加热,如谷物,沙拉,意大利面食点心食品或以上倒。Can be added unheated to foods such as cereal, salad, pasta or poured over dessert.

我还没笨到大冬天在爱丁堡租没暖气的房子,公寓里是有暖气的。I am not stupid enough to rent an unheated flat in Edinburgh in midwinter. It had heating.

在没有加热的自然区域,山艾树是很多昆虫的水源。In the unheated natural area, sagebrush is a source of moisture for an army of thirsty insects.

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中世纪时期,楼房内通常没有暖炉设备,所以长袍成了学者们保暖的必备品。In the often unheated buildings of the middle ages, long gowns were necessary for scholars to ward off the cold.

蓬松的红色外套下是一条丝质围巾,这使她在没有供热的工厂里得以保暖。A silky scarf peeks out from under the collar of her puffy red coat, which keeps her warm in the unheated factory.

胡正生的学员们晚上就睡在不供暖的宿舍中,酷暑严冬,他们都在室外训练,经常天不亮就要起床。At night his students sleep in unheated rooms. No matter the temperature, they train outside, often before sunrise.

此外,有些房间是没有安装暖气系统的,穿越这些房间的管道必须采取合适的隔热措施。Additionally, sections of the duct system that pass through unheated parts of the home should be insulated properly.

他们终年住在没有供热的仓库,艺术阁楼以及农仓里,只用加热器和炉子来加热取暖。They liveyear-round in unheated warehouses and artists’ lofts and farmhouses, using onlyspace heaters and stoves to stay warm.

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在没有加热的自然区域,山艾树是很多昆虫的水源。他们使山艾树的数目受到控制。In the unheated natural area, sagebrush is a source of moisture for an army of thirsty insects. They keep sagebrush under control.

然而通过窗户上窄条风口引进的未加热的室外冬季新风会使得每个房间重新加装采暖设备。However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room.

高,谁用来训练在暖气的室外游泳池在冬天说,该国现在富裕和较孤立的,从世界其余地区。Gao, who used to train in unheated outdoor pools in winter, says the country is now wealthier and less isolated from the rest of the world.

杰克独自一个躲在冰冷的宿舍里,在楼上度过了这一天,他蜷缩在自己仅有的那床薄毯里,读着一本关于孤岛人家的小说。Jake spent the day upstairs, alone, in the unheated dormitory. Huddled under his only blanket, he read about a family marooned on an island.

而后通过CFD数值模拟来分析母线洞冷态下的阻抗及其影响因素。Then analyze the main electrical wire hall impedance and its influence factor under unheated condition by means of CFD numerical simulation.

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她的咖啡杯好几天才洗一次,洗过盘子的被她用来浇灌,洗澡水则被用来冲厕所。She reuses her drinking cup for days without washing it, and she saves her dishwater for plants and unheated shower water to flush the toilet.

在新中心与俄维农的杂交实验中,加热花粉授粉所得种子远远低于未加热的花粉授粉所得种子。The seeds from pollination of heated pollen were far less than that of unheated pollen in hybridization test of Nove Cento lily and Prato lily.

他在空无一物的砖造牢房中过夜,温度降到-7℃也没有暖气。嶂螂、老鼠啃噬他腿上的伤口。Rats and cockroaches nibbled at the torn flesh on his leg as he spent his nights in a bare brick cell, unheated even when the temperature fell to -7C.