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更糟的是,基德没有遇到任何海盗。Even worse, Kidd didn't encounter any pirates.

基德原本认为这是一艘隶属于法国的船只。Kidd originally believed the vessel sailed under the French crown.

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贾森.基德不会被忘记,加里.佩顿和布莱文.纳特也不会被忘记。Jason Kidd won't be forgotten, nor will Gary Payton or Brevin Knight.

基德和他的船员开始绝望,船员间的暴力冲突不断发生。Kidd and his crew became desperate and violence within the crew was rampant.

“我想让儿子看看,尼克每天是怎样为生存而与死神进行较量地,”基德说。"I wanted T. J. to see a kid who fights for his life every day, " Kidd said.

基德在纽约靠岸时,他才得知自己已经被认定为海盗。When Kidd came ashore to New York City, he learned he had been declared a pirate.

就在基德开始执行任务一些日子后,他三分之一的船员都命丧霍乱。Shortly after Kidd set forth on his mission, a third of his crew succumbed to cholera.

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因为基德之前是个受雇于英国的海盗搜捕船长,但是这次袭击被认定为海盗行为。Since Kidd was a privateer for the British, this attack was considered an act of piracy.

基德处决了自己的枪手,威廉·莫尔,使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew.

对教练和我们来说更多的是一个试探期。"It was more of a feeling-out period for Coach and also for us, " point guard Jason Kidd said.

但基德已经33岁了,已经开始接近强弩之末,而卡特在本赛季结束后就极有可能选择成为自由人。But Kidd is 33 and exiting his prime, and Carter can opt out of his contract after this season.

基德找到了有希望的步骤就是利用三分球在第一节得了7分。Kidd took a step toward redemption by sinking all three of his first-quarter shots for seven points.

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基德也三次倒在了地板上,包括在一次快攻后在中场附近的救球。Kidd also hit the floor three times, including a hard spill at midcourt after stumbling on a fastbreak.

基德自已并不知道他已经成了一名通缉犯,直到他1699年停泊在西印度群岛。Kidd himself did not know he was a wanted man until he dropped anchor in the West Indies in April 1699.

基德当时就坐在美国队的板凳席上,他表示这次扣篮是他所见过的最佳一扣。Kidd was sitting at USA's bench at that time, and he said this is a perfect slam-dunk he had ever seen.

基德比较两人的不同时说意大利人缺乏对足球的兴奋感。The difference between the two players Kidd compared is the Italian's greater need of football's highs.

他使我想起了有些年轻的基德,但他却没有为此伤透了助攻初,纪德始终。He reminds me some of a young Jason Kidd, but he hasn't racked up the assists early that Kidd always has.

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贾森·基德在篮网队效力时表现出了不满的情绪,最后主动要求交易到小牛队。Jason Kidd was once a gifted malcontent who essentially quit on the Nets to get himself traded to Dallas.

除了球场上获得的经验,基德和科比都曾把布鲁克斯拉到场边私下指导。In addition to his on-court experience, Brooks has been pulled aside for individual talks by Kidd and Bryant.

基德这次重返国家队,看起来状态不错,他在上半场曾送三次助攻詹姆斯完成扣篮。Jason Kidd looked sharp in his return to the national team, setting up James for three dunks in the first half.