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有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.

有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘗。Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.

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所以,据我猜测,他握在舵柄的手大概还散发着香气吧。So I guess he was a sweet hand at the tiller.

老人系紧帆脚索,卡住了舵柄。The old man made the sheet fast and jammed the tiller.

这个方针的正确的口号,就是“耕者有其田”。"Land to the tiller" is the correct slogan for this policy.

接着是第二个石人,他降落在船舵旁。A second stone man followed, landing back beside the tiller.

亚伯成为了牧羊人,该隐成了土地的耕种者。Abel becomes a keeper of flocks, and Cain a tiller of the soil.

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萌蘖性强,耐修剪,抗污染。Sprouts the tiller to be strong, bears the trim, anti-pollution.

钟曲柄连接到一个使用通用蘖处理联合。The bell crank connects to a Tiller handle using a universal joint.

影响时期主要为分蘖期和灌浆期。The influence time is mainly in the tiller stage and the grouting stage.

是勤奋擎着它五彩的风帆,驾驭着它生命的舵把,告诉它勇敢地走下去。It is hard holding colorful sailing, riding it tiller tell it to go bravely.

tiller这个术语也用来指舷外发动机的掌舵臂。The term tiller is also used for the steering arm of small outboard engines.

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他听见舵把啪的断了,就把断下的把手向鲨鱼扎去。He heard the tiller break and he lunged at the shark with the splintered butt.

但一旦发动了引擎,轻轻转动船舵就可以改变方向。But once you have steerage-way, a light touch on the tiller will bring her round.

事实上,提勒一直使用的一款药是让大多数美国人无法容忍的。In truth, Tiller was practicing a form of medicine most Americans find abhorrent.

这些特点表明株丛是以“步步为营”的发展模式不断形成的。Two types of tillers were formed, the root-based tiller and the leaf-based tiller.

他朝鲨鱼头挥舞着舵柄,老人一次再一次地挥打。He swung the tiller across the shark's head , He swung it once and twice and again.

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配方肥增效剂能提高水稻植株的分蘖能力,增加干物质积累量。Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice.

它的工厂几何与再分配,但体重和大量的指导分蘖。It has the factory geometry but with redistributed weight and lots of steering tiller.

所以他把舵夹在腋下,把帆脚索踩在脚下,他就这么做了。So he did that with the tiller under his arm and the sheet of the sail under his foot.