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考古学家追踪象形文字。The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs.

就职业而言,他是个考古学家,和一个多梦的诗人。He was an archeologist by trade, a dreamy poet.

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考古学家发现了一处古文明遗址。The archeologist discovered the remains of an ancient culture.

在十月的时候,我知道了我可能并不想成为一个考古学家。By October I knew that I probably didn't want to be an archeologist.

他以一位敢于冒险犯难的考古学家的故事娱乐全世界。He has entertained the world with stories of a daring2 archeologist.

里边的考古学家说这些金字塔是一种地域外文明的遗迹。The archeologist said that the pyramids are the remnants of an alien civilization.

她请到了一位正统的考古学家安奇特博士作为她罗马广场的向导。She has asked classical archeologist Dr. Lori-Ann Touchette to show her the Roman forum.

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从牛津大学毕业后,他到了中东,作为一个考古学家,并在那学习阿拉伯文。On graduation from Oxford, he went to the Middle East as an archeologist and to learn Arabic.

一个埃及考古学家说他可能发现了马克安东尼和可利奥佩特拉的墓地。A top archeologist in Egypt says he may have found the lost tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

那时候我开始对人类学十分感兴趣,而且我希望成为一个考古学家。At that point I became really interested in anthropology and I really wanted to be an archeologist.

考古学家步日耶根据周口店发掘的资料,绘制成五十万年前「北京原人生活示意图」。Archeologist Henri Breuil drew this picture illustrating his conception of the daily life of Peking Man.

他是一个谨严的考古学家,长时间地领导新疆的考古发掘工作。He is a serious archeologist who has guided archeological excavations in Xinjiang for a long period of time.

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社科院考古研究所所长王巍同时表示,这只是初步结论,仍不能盖棺认定。"This is, however, a preliminary conclusion, not the last word." said Wang Wei, head archeologist at the academy.

三十年来,“史密森学会”的考古学家丹尼斯·史丹福一直寻找美国人的最早起源,结果都是一无所获。For 30 years, Smithsonian Institution archeologist Dennis Stanford searched in vain for the origins of the first Americans.

1981年,考古学家罗伯特麦克斯在同一地点发现了上千块陶瓷碎片,包括200块是来自双耳细颈椭圆土罐的颈部。In 1981 archeologist Robert Marx discovered thousands of pottery fragments in the same locality, including 200 necks from amphorae.

专注于仿古砖行业,以“成为中国最具价值的仿古砖品牌”为目标的考古砖家不断创新,向中国乃至全球消费者提供高品优价的仿古砖产品及系统解决方案,成就万千生活梦想!Focus on the rustic tiles , San-remo Archeologist eyes for becoming the most valuable brand in China , makes constant innovations to offer the best quality product to the world.

他们应该有更长的时间来决定在什么问题,他们希望他们的程度,以便在以后的生活,他们不回头说,我要一直是考古学家。They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and say, I should like to have been an archeologist.