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他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。He styled his poem doggerel.

这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。The doggerel doesn't filiate itself.

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后人将这类诗歌称为“打油诗”。Descendants of such poetry as "doggerel."

这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗。This rhymster has written mainly doggerel.

打油诗文体源于文人诗歌的俗化和大众诗歌。Doggerel comes from popularized scholar poetry and folk poetry.

写英语打油诗娱乐一下,其实这是很简单的写作,给大家举个例子。Write a doggerel in English, and the following is a simple example.

你不认为那个诗人写的只是打油诗吗?。Do you agree that the poet had seldom written anything but doggerel?

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搜集沁州黄的赞词赞诗顺口溜民谣!Spicilegium ooze the yellow prefecture Ode word Zanshi doggerel folk rhyme!

拉金自己对这一点有清醒认识,他将一系列诗命名为“在打油诗中跳舞”。Larkin himself was aware of this, entitling one series "Dances in Doggerel".

有一天在餐桌上有人又念起这段顺口溜,男人们照例笑得起劲。后来发现餐桌上的一位女人没笑。One day the doggerel was again mentioned, the men laughed as usual while a woman did not.

所以妞宝宝在博客上发表的打油诗创作虽新,但该诗体的历史还是源远流长的。So, little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new, but the verse of the history or the long-standing.

昨晚做了一首打油诗给女友发过去,她非常感动,要我周末去买套情侣装。Last night, I made a doggerel and send to my girlfriend, she was affected greatly, and ordered me to buy clothes of couple.

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过去,中国人把从腊月初八开始的过年准备过程,还编成了一个顺口溜。In the past, Chinese people started the preparation at the 8th of the last lunar month. There was even a piece of doggerel about the preparation.

他怎样来回在当铺和邮局穿梭,靠着他那一点打油诗挣来的微波稿费来维持自己海量的工作和存活需求。How he shuttle back and forth in the pawn shop and post office, relying on his little doggerel microwave earned royalties to maintain their vast amounts of work and survival needs.

促使一个人设计和创作的不可言状的冲动,是一种伴随着复杂刺激物的无意识过程,我们对该过程的认识,只是停留在非常浅的层次上。Push a person design and creation is not doggerel impulse, is a kind of with complex irritants unconscious process, we the process of understanding, only stay in very shallow level.