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并明认他在神圣之境中与你一体。Acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness.

在基督里,我们将会成为一个在圣洁中成长的族类。In Christ we will be a people growing in holiness.

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这就是纯洁和神圣的关系。That's the connection between holiness and purity.

它是神圣教导的完美宝库。God is infinite in holiness and all other perfections.

帐篷本身有一定程度的神圣性。The Israelite camp bears a certain degree of holiness.

祂是丰富的和放射出神圣和完美。He was magnificent and was radiating Holiness and perfectness.

尊贵的法王噶玛巴说,他是一位佛教徒、一位修行者。His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism.

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仅仅是为成就了爱的圣洁和心中的念想。Just as the achievements of the holiness and love heart thought.

那把衪的圣洁赐给我们的神能保持我们圣洁。The God who gives us his holiness has the power to keep us in it!

神的圣洁应该支配我们对自尊的思考。The holiness of God should govern our thinking about self-esteem.

达赖喇嘛在澳洲的图登些珠林寺。His Holiness visiting Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery in Australia.

这些来自十七世大宝法王的教授已经过编辑了。These teachings from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa have been edited.

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他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。He prayed to God night and day endue him with the spirit of holiness.

他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。与比较级的词连用,置于。He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness.

凤毛麟角“指珍贵而不可多得用来比喻有圣德的人。"Rare" means precious and rare people who used an analogy with holiness.

在这种信仰中,人人皆为神圣所感召,生活是通往神圣之径。In this faith we are all called to holiness and life is a path to sanctity.

这里的原则就是越接近上帝,越神圣。And the principle here that holiness increases as proximity to God increases.

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他们能看到耶稣基督的良善跟圣洁从你的身上发出来吗?Can they see the goodness, the holiness of the Lord Jesus shining through you?

缺乏属灵圣洁的肤浅快乐是地狱最大宗的输出品。Superficial happiness without spiritual holiness in one of hell's major exports.

何其寂寥,何其圣洁与神秘,好像返回人类诞生的原始腹地。Such silence, such holiness and mystery is like returning to our ancestors' wombs.