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他们在高秋千上表演。They performed on the trapeze.

我小女儿是一名吊杠演员。My younger daughter is a trapeze artist.

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在买给他们的秋千组合上,安装吊架。Install a trapeze swing onto their swing set.

这一点对于很多空中飞人来说,是个很大的诱惑。This is a lot of trapeze is a big temptation.

我就要变成马戏团里的空中飞人,飞得高高的。I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.

劳斯莱斯的标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。Rolls-Royce double-R logo in addition, there are the famous trapeze signs.

版本控制之于程序员,就好比安全网之于高空秋千表演者。Version control is to programmers what the safety net is to a trapeze artist.

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他年仅九岁时,便已经在表演空中飞人的特技。By the time he was nine years old, he was already performing as a trapeze artist.

劳尔斯·劳易斯的标志除了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。Raul Slough Lewis signs in addition to double-R, there is the famous trapeze signs.

而在鞋舌和鞋底前端的飞人标志上还可见些许白色。In front of the tongue and soles can also be found on the trapeze a little red flag.

作为莫雷诺•奥坎波工作内容的一部分,他必须显示出空中飞人般的平衡技巧。Mr Moreno-Ocampo, for his part, must display the balancing skills of a trapeze artist.

我们女人在生活中上演的“马戏”足以使杂技表演艺术家们自愧弗如。What circus act we women perform every day of our lives. It puts the trapeze artist to shame.

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同时,他普及了紧身裤、吊带裙、制服装、高邦靴以及无尾的夜礼服。He also popularized tight pants, the trapeze dress, smocks, thigh-high boots and tuxedo jackets.

在歌曲里你可看到小丑、动物、一个强壮的男人、耍把戏的人、空中飞人和马戏团表演指导者。In the song you see clowns, animals, a strong man, jugglers, trapeze artists and the ringmaster.

在迪奥死后,圣洛朗成为迪奥品牌的首席设计师,他既而推出了“梯形线条”系列。Saint Laurent introduced his "Ligne Trapeze" after Dior's death, when he became chief designer at Dior.

纽约市地标图片。它是不困难的对事物开始熟悉在纽约秋千学校,正好沿着哈得逊河。It's not hard to get into the swing of things at the Trapeze School of New York, right along the Hudson River.

该方法是将龙格—库塔法和梯形法巧妙地结合起来,同时具有以上两种方法的优点。That is, "L K T"method, which combines the Longe Kuta method and the trapeze method with both of their advantages.

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海滩旁边还有电影萤幕、周五夜间烟火秀、马戏团空中飞人和杂技演员。There are also movie screenings by the beach, Friday-night firework shows, and circus trapeze artists and jugglers.

“如果你变成吹着我的风,”小兔子说,“我就去参加马戏团,做个空中飞人,在你摸不着的地方荡秋千。”If you become the wind and blow me, ' said the little bunny, 'I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.

车库保持在街面上,但是被并入住宅地基。梯形地基规划源于场地的形状。Garage is kept on the street level but incorporated in the base of the house. Trapeze base plan derives from the site shape.