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如何提高降压达标率?。How to improve BP control rate?

本计画由英国石油公司及福特汽车赞助。The initiative is funded by BP and Ford.

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用擂盘在旋转纸上画线,从A1点到胸点。Trace wheel through pivot paper, line A to BP.

英国石油公司和卡梅隆本周末拒绝对此做出评论。BP and Cameron declined to commentthis weekend.

防具大师可以制造拾取绑定的锁甲和板甲。Armorsmithing can make a mail BP and a plate BP.

海沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982.

加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?请加蕃茄酱。With ketch bp or mayonnaise?With ketchup, please.

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现在我们来考虑向量AB和向量。BP Now, let's think about vector AB and vector BP.

我们依靠像bp这样的公司来供给我们能源。We rely on corporations like BP to bring us energy.

英国石油为首的财团可以依靠中石油的经验。The BP consortium can rely on the experience of CNPC.

不过您可以呼我的BP机,我的BP机号码是127-2650866.But you can page me over BP.My BP number is 127-2650866.

BP将尝试封闭墨西哥湾海底石油漏孔。BP readies 'top kill' to plug oil leak in Gulf of Mexico.

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另一个亚组采用动态血压监测。A subgroup of patients underwent ambulatory BP monitoring.

BP认为阿纳达科和三井应该承担各自份额。BP thinks both Anadarko and Mitsui should pay their share.

越南占伦研究员姜是希望能为BP工作。Fellow Vietnamese Chamroeun Kang is hoping to work for BP.

分别比较两组药前、后第2、4、6、8周末坐位血压和心率的变化。BP and HR were examined 2, 4, 6, and 8 wks after treatment.

眼下,英国石油公司正尝试用一个小很多的屋形盖解决问题。Now BP is attempting the procedure with a much smaller dome.

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苯那普利的降压作用可能与NO有关。The role that benazepril decrease BP may be related with NO.

英国石油公司还雇佣了当地渔船来帮助进行清理工作。BP is also hiring local fishing boats to help with the cleanup.

而听贝多芬古典音乐的受试者血压只升高了2个百分点。But the BP of the classical-music listeners rose only 2 points.