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确保各项目包执行赛科标准。Ensure SECCO standards are followed.

建立赛科的事故档案。Setup documentation of all SECCO incidents.

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“我们将会在周五同塞科进行会谈,”加斯帕林说到。"We will meet Secco next Friday in Milan, " said Gasparin.

赛科的财产与所提供的一切不得为个人所用。SECCO property and supplies may not be used for personal use.

了解先进工艺控制或大型工艺模拟工具。Knowledge of at least 4 sets of Secco plant process technology.

电子液压执行机构应只在塞科批准后使用。Electro-hydraulic actuators shall only be used with approval by SECCO.

激发、导、导和发展赛科客户服务团队。To motivate , lead, coach and develop the Secco customer service team.

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参与赛科项目建设的全体人员均受本条例的约束。All personnel working for SECCO project are governed by this procedure.

他的到来也会结束众矢之的的赛科在尤文的生涯。Marotta's arrival will also spell the end for under-fire Alessio Secco.

其它类型的热电偶元件的使用要得到赛科的批准。The use of other types of thermocouple elements require approval by SECCO.

在阿莱西奥。塞科同巴塞罗那进行第一次会谈后,我就已经向他们提出了这个想法。I said so to Barcelona after Alessio Secco had his first meeting with them.

与此同时,施女士还邀请中法的培训管理人员到赛科进行参观交流。Meanwhile, she invited us to SECCO for training experience exchange as well.

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最后塞科还透露了他心目中阿尔伯托。扎切罗尼的替代者。Finally, Secco revealed who he would have hired to replace Alberto Zaccheroni.

赛科公司厂区内的所有健康、安全与环境程序、条例、规则、规定和标准。All SECCO in-house HSE procedure, practices, rules and regulations and standard.

本周四,我与阿莱西奥。塞科进行了一次会谈,我们讨论了转会的局势。I had a meeting with Alessio Secco on Thursday and we spoke about the situation.

尤文体育部经理塞科为特雷泽盖的转会打开方便之门。Juventus chief Alessio Secco has opened the door to the sale of David Trezeguet.

对一冒险的旅程赛科会见集电极,生产者和发明者的部落。On an adventurous journey Secco meets the Collector, Producer and Inventor tribes.

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赛科的财产与所提供的一切不得为个人所用或外借给他人。SECCO property or supplies may not be taken off the premises or loaned to individuals.

塞科还谈到了他在尤文任职期间最引以为荣的几笔引援。Secco also gave an insight into the signing he is most proud of from his time at Juventus.

塞科被问及到阿毛里和弗拉米尼在今年夏天转会到尤文的可能性。Secco then was asked about the possible arrival of Amauri and Matthieu Flamini this summer.