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是很难被归类到编程问题里面的。Like algorithmic complexity.

它的复杂度是多少?What's the complexity of this?

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这个复杂度是多少?二次?What's the order complexity here?

本质复杂度与偶发复杂度的比较Essential vs. accidental complexity

这种结构更复杂。More complexity takes on this form.

您的项目的规模和复杂性。Size and complexity of your project.

是的,我就是想展现这样的复杂性。I wanted that complexity on the show.

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那么您如何管理这种复杂性呢?So how you do manage this complexity?

网络礼节是很复杂的事。The netiquette is of great complexity.

产链过长和过于复杂的问题。Complexity and lenght of the food chain.

迪杰斯特拉的复杂性是正确的吗?。Is the complexity of Dijkstra's correct?

形势显得极为复杂。The situation presents great complexity.

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这个算法的复杂度又是多少呢?What's the complexity of this algorithm?

我只想要得到内嵌的这个循环的复杂度?What's the complexity of that inner loop?

复杂度是多少呢?What's the complexity of this? Well, gee.

越复杂就越易错。Complexity breeds opportunities for error.

简单和复杂相辅相成。Simplicity and complexity need each other.

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归并的复杂度是多少?What's the order of complexity of merging?

它降低的是语法复杂性。What it reduces is the syntactic complexity.

之后复杂性会急剧上升。The complexity rises precipitously after that.