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猪总是用鼻子拱土。Pigs always rout in the earth.

敌人已全线崩溃。正在加载用户记忆法…The enemy was put to rout all along the line.

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安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout.

果你被周四美股的暴跌行情吓到的话,这也算是很自然的事情。It is only natural to be a bit scared by Thursday's market rout.

什么时候碳市场会被淘汰或溃败还不清楚。It's not clear at what point this will turn into a cull or a rout.

路特说,“细胞进化就是一个复制和分裂的过程”。"Evolution is a process of duplication and divergence, " Rout says.

我愿尽力为我们的足球队物色一位优秀的守门员。I'll try my best to rout out a good goalkeeper for our football team.

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外消旋体拆分是获得单一手性化合物的重要途径。Raceme separation is the main rout for preparation of pure enantiomers.

齐达内在罚球区边缘的一记低射将对手彻底击败。Zidane completed the rout with a low shot from the edge of the penalty area.

贝尔巴托夫在10月份以4-0大胜西布罗姆维奇队比赛中为鲁尼创造了一个机会。Berbatov created one for Rooney in a 4-0 rout of West Bromwich Albion in October.

在盲目沉浸入爱情的几天后,你被劈头盖脸地告知自己的溃败。Immersed in blind love a few days later, you get to his face to inform their rout.

甚至连上周五大跌的铜,也抓住了这波势头。Even copper, which had a major rout on Friday, is managing to get in on the action.

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那些年轻时不懂的事,注定让我们的青春,疼得溃不成军。Youth do not understand those things, destined to make our youth, and the pain rout.

这些男孩子有时候会轰赶出一些小松鼠,追逐它们,直至它们逃进树丛。Sometimes the boys would rout out little ground squirrels and chase them into the bush.

当昨晚切尔西队在斯坦福桥以7比0横扫斯托克城队后,主教练安切洛蒂一脸轻松。The Chelsea boss was buoyant after his team's 7-0 rout of Stoke at Stamford Bridge yesterday.

1952年11月6日,德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔高票当选美国总统。On November 6. 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president of the United States in a rout.

这样的崩溃会催生撤退、溃逃以及常见的投降,产生一个最具决定性的结果。The breakdown that results leads to retreat, rout and often surrender, providing a most decisive outcome.

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托雷斯表示他会将4-0大胜布莱克本时的两个进球献给希尔茨堡惨案的96名遇难球迷。Fernando Torres has dedicated his double in Saturday's 4-0 rout of Blackburn Rovers to the memory of the 96.

股市重挫正迅速将大量财富席卷一空,给家庭和企业蒙上阴影。The market rout is rapidly wiping out vast amounts of wealth, casting a pall over households and businesses.

在4比1战胜抢手的比赛中,克劳奇打进三个完美的进球,进球来自于他的脚,头和左脚。Crouch netted a perfect treble in the 4-1 rout of the Gunners, scoring with his right foot, head and left foot.